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Brublios t1_itf33o3 wrote

It's is an abreviation i guess, The real quote is:

>"‎”We are what we repeatedly do. excellence then is not an act but a habit”"

Correct me if i am wrong.


SonicGhost t1_itf5mzh wrote

That sounds more like Aristotle!

Quality is such a weird translation of (I assume) ἀρετή; the usual translation is virtue. The context of this quote is that Aristotle is giving an account of how one can develop the correct appetites or desires (separate from rationality). This is because he thinks that the truly virtuous man is in harmony with himself: he both desires and knows what the right thing to do is.


jbr208 t1_itffli2 wrote

Sounds right. It’s vaguely familiar from his work, “Nicomachean Ethics.” Or at least what I remember from my ethics course in college. Not those specific words (like I can remember every sentence in a book I read 7 years ago) but certainly the thrust of it.