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Leonos t1_is5ve6g wrote

According to the graph it is an infinitely small step to go from red to dark green if you go left.


unagi176 t1_is7224c wrote

Also a big arrow pointing only one way


bartb83 t1_is6ljvn wrote

Seems i'd get squeeezed if i would try that step. Definitely not comfy.


alexplex86 t1_is6r9v6 wrote

But you understand its figurative, that you're supposed to follow the arrow and you understand what's its trying to say?


magi5e OP t1_is5w9pb wrote

well you are right, and it's good to also be aware of the limits of models but I think you conciously want to misunderstand the picture. Models always have their limits but it's way more productive to find the truth in it, the point that can help you advance


Tatunkawitco t1_is60o9p wrote

Or just put the comfort zone in the center? Growth can go both ways.


Inlhia t1_is6hy27 wrote

He didn’t make this. Google image “comfort zone”


Ash_Divine t1_is8qh4z wrote

Don't think you can call it growth if you start regressing


magi5e OP t1_is61mri wrote

I'll keep it in mind thank you
