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VIVXPrefix t1_irxsp0g wrote

I think about this after I lost my mother to suicide after a horrible life long battle with bipolar disorder. I'd like to think everything would be peaches and honey if she were still here, but realistically, she would still be suffering.


SuspiciousNoisySubs t1_iryfgac wrote

Man, that was a roller coaster to read, let alone live...


literally_pee t1_irzibfx wrote

if you ever think ifs bad living with someone like that, they feel 10x worse 😔


SuspiciousNoisySubs t1_irziw7z wrote

Yeah, I'll bet. There's plenty enough suffering when this game is 'at the defaults'


Thousand_Tab_Sage t1_irzf332 wrote

Sometimes Death Can Be A One Way Ticket To Shut The Voices Down. My Condolences to you Mate


IhaveABlue t1_irwvx5g wrote

But most people including me always think that it could have been better.


BIGBIRD1176 t1_iry47ou wrote

It could have been

But without experience to guide you, you would have made similar mistakes anyway


heysavnac t1_irzchmh wrote

THIS OH MY GOD. YES. we’d think “I wish I never met this person” but this person actually put us through things that taught us things we otherwise wouldn’t have learned and probably would’ve fallen into the same mistakes with the next person if it wasn’t that first person anyways.. for example.

Your comment is everything to me right now.


No_Kangaroo_3061 t1_irx9vov wrote

Well. That hit me like a shovel to the face.

Thanks for posting this, OP. It's going directly into my journal for today.


kagey_santos t1_irx4w3q wrote

Needed to read this. Thank you


Greenishreddish t1_irz7qg0 wrote

I needed this reminder, glad I came across it.

This sentiment is honestly huge for me. I'm an addict that used for 10 years, now 4 years sober, and this was my non-religious version of "Everything happens for a reason". It's pretty hard to accept the damage I caused, and the years I wasted.

However, there are a lot of things that can go sideways in a life even without using drugs, so there's no telling that I'd have had my shit together if I'd never used. Maybe I'd have found some other form of Limbo/misery. All I can do is be grateful for what I've gained in being forced into such an extreme position of having to rebuild myself. Though, it would be an interesting conversation to have with alternate-dimension me.


sexyloser1128 t1_irxs6wz wrote

I don't know about that. I definitely know that things could have been better and exactly how they could have been better and that knowledge will probably haunt me for the rest of my life.


farrenkm t1_irya5cz wrote

Guaranteed, if things had been just a little different in my childhood, I'd never have met my wife.


Hoorayboobs_ t1_iryhlcq wrote

Being depressed and wealthy sounds better than depressed and broke 💇🏻


hines275 t1_irz2zra wrote

I use the fact that things could have been different/ better to motivate a brilliant future after being estranged from my twin sister for 40 years. We met again last year at age 46. So this does not resonate with me, but I hope it helps others.


12kdaysinthefire t1_is0ey63 wrote

Cynically I read this as: enjoy your terrible life


MariposaVzla t1_irxm92r wrote

that's true. who knows! definitely depends on the situation but yea! i needed this as well.

gotta lift each other up & stick together.


ValyrianJedi t1_irydbqy wrote

They still can be, with things being how they were. My 20s had a lot of "things could be better if I'd made different decisions", but now my 30s are better than they would have been had I made those different decisions.


Anyna-Meatall t1_iryizlc wrote

Also true: There are a lot of things that should've been different, and would've been better.


redconvict t1_iryvz8p wrote

Well duh, thanks captain obvious.


ocean_800 t1_irz1yfj wrote

Midnight Library. It's a good read


DrTwilightZone t1_irz3tp3 wrote

Thanks for posting this…I really needed to read it. 🙏


goldensaur t1_irz9v9p wrote

that makes it sound like even if things were different it wouldn't be any better, which is rather discouraging


Metakit t1_irzkpxp wrote

But they also could be better. Of that I have no doubt


aftenbladet t1_irztx8t wrote

Well, if the angle of the writing at least matched the angle of the wall, it would be better.


fadoxi t1_iry3id4 wrote

For starters... I could've been a doctor....


ladykensington t1_iryi2ey wrote

“Different isn’t always better, but better is always different.”