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amborg t1_irtdklr wrote

Hopefully, dead.


Wayward_Apostle t1_irtdt1j wrote

No death is too easy a way out, life won't be that generous if I want death it'll have to be my own hand. Most likely I'll be in the exact same situation I am now because all of this motivation is just empty words and life is filled with misery for 80% of us until we get to finally die and escape this nighmarescape.


keblx t1_irtqh6g wrote

just stop. This is like the tiktoks with 10mil likes and all they say is "you will glow up! interact 10x to claim!!!"


Rotunda89 t1_irumtin wrote

That's always the end destination. Don't meant you can't make the best of it in the meantime.

I say this as someone who would rather be freed from existence as well.


DaedalusRaistlin t1_iruqn1k wrote

That's what I thought 5 years ago, and it only ever gets worse. Heck in the last 3 months I've gone from having my own car to borrowing a car to having no car, and the shops are approximately 100km away with no public transport. Not that my gluten free food is on the shelves much when I do get a chance to go buy some. Have not been eating much the past month. Mostly just drinking water, but the water here gave me kidney stones and that was the worst pain I've ever felt.

It never gets any better, you just get used to a new low and feel it can't possibly get any worse, and then it does.


Lokkuri t1_iruyvrs wrote

!remindme 90 days


alphayun t1_irvfzr1 wrote

!remindme 90 days


DanteNee t1_is3z014 wrote

!RemindMe 90days


DanteNee t1_is3z3k2 wrote

!RemindMe 90 days


[deleted] t1_is8x054 wrote

Oh wow, I'm so inspired that I just need to share this with all the dying patients in the local hospital!


Bitter-Ad8728 t1_isn97dj wrote

Speak it, Believe it, receive it.

I am, I can, I will.

You know, and I know, we will make it.