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jmconrad t1_ir5ybwn wrote

Also just to add - he said he was raised by a single parent making 50k in NYC. u/FreeMyMen then extrapolated (not certain why) that he was referencing what that parent’s earnings were 15 years ago (???), did some arithmetic, and then labeled this guy privileged and not deserving of praise.

bunch of bullshit and shameful activity by someone who spends every waking second on Reddit and is looking to rationalize why hes a loser while the people who go outside are capable of success.


Slant1985 t1_ir6wx4j wrote

Dude has a major chip on his shoulder, that’s for sure. Hopefully, he’ll realize that plenty of us without a privileged upbringing still went on to make something of ourselves. Also success and happiness looks different for everyone. Just because it was becoming a pilot for one guy doesn’t mean that’s the metric to hold everyone to.


cragion t1_irk778a wrote

Ya bro, unless you're born in a gutter by a Crack fiend who leaves you and are then raised by raccoons, you're success means absolutely nothing