TreatThompson OP t1_jdwvmyk wrote
"Soooo many things
Getting or sending the ‘on my way’ text to hang with mates
Smoking a joint during golden hour, even better if it’s on a lake or in the mountains
Mountain biking, maybe not a small thing but whenever I feel down I just think about how I’m getting closer to being back on the trails and getting that crazy adrenaline rush"
“Reading. The feeling of being so engrossed in a good book that the entire universe disappears and you’re just in this amazing literary world. And the feeling when you finish, that you know you’re gonna pick that book up again and again.
-Seeing my bunnies in the morning, leaning over their enclosure, waiting for their favorite treats with their derpy moufs.
-The smell of the ocean and the warmth of sand between your toes. The sound of the crashing of waves against the surf.
-The first bite of a triangle slice of cake.
-The sight of bumblebees on a freshly bloomed flower.
-Listening to a song for the first time that you know is about to be a favorite.
-Crawling into bed with fresh sheets after a long day.
-The softness of new fuzzy socks.
I could go on for days. I have pretty severe depression, and sometimes I have to remind myself that these are the reasons I continue to keep fighting. They’re small but they mean everything”
"I have been in the midst of an existential crisis lately and struggling so much to prove (to myself) that my existence matters outside of the lives of my children, the small business that I work for, and my increasingly shrinking group of friends. I take care of my kids as best I can to provide them with a launch pad so they can go take on the world. But it seems like so often, my life is just about my job, paying the bills, and keeping the cupboards full and the lawn cut."
"I love my life. It is quiet. But I wish there was just a little bit more. Maybe that really is the key. Put in an honest day's work. Prepare a good meal. Enjoy that Marvel movie. Pet my dog. Make my kids feel safe and loved. Enjoying the little things. It is something for me to consider."
"OP thank you for this. I have struggled with suicidal depression well over half my life & recently have been backsliding again into the muck of it… thoughts like this really help. We can make our own lives have meaning through appreciating others’ beauty. If it weren’t for me, no one would be there to appreciate how silly my dog is, or how sweet a bird’s song sounds in that moment. I can use this kind of thinking more often. Again, thanks OP."
"1. Driving through the city streets at night with a date or friend after a fun night. Blasting music. Feeling as alive as the city. Feeling love for the city despite its messiness, loving its chaos.
2. The new iced cocoa drink I’ve been making.
3. Songs that feel so good it’s like they’re my soulmate, like I’ve known them forever, like they were made for me.
4. Hearing the laugh of the girl I’m crushing on. Also, making her laugh.
5. The unexpected moments when I feel fully myself. When I love everyone around me and accept everything. When life feels magical even if for just a few moments
Edit: thank you for posting this question, writing this answer reminded me of all these beautiful things”
“Snuggling into a comfortable bed with a book. Then that warm cozy feeling when you're drowsy and ready to go to dream land.
Sleeping is one of life's simple pleasures. If we are lucky we will spend about 1/3 of our lives in bed. It's well worth embracing and enjoying.
Also laughter, a good meal, petting a dog, a hug, a kiss, exercising til ya sweat, and swimming.”
"The joy I get when making something.
I’ve worked with legos, 3D printing, machining, and recently woodworking. Those moments where I can sit back, admire, and take pride in what I’ve just made with my hands makes my life worth living.
It also gets me to spend an insane amount on future projects."
"I came here to say candy corn but then I read the whole post and now it seems far too shallow. Coincidentally, I just finished reading that book again 2 weeks ago. I remember him telling about the imaginary conversations he had with his wife who he loved so much. He had no idea if she was still alive, but then decided it didn't matter anyway because the love he had for her still existed whether she was alive or not. Sometimes it's the memories and the feelings you have for them that can sustain you through many hardships. I think about standing in the Gulf of Mexico in 1996 bobbing up and down with the clear waves. I can hear the wind and birds and feel the hot sand on my feet. I taste the salt water. And I always got a beef Baja chalupa from TB on the drive home. I go back in my mind often and smile. Also...I buy candy corn every fall. That shits good."
"I totally get this. We literally take life for granted. Yes it can be shitty sometimes but it can be a beautiful thing. I appreciate it is easy for me to say that as although there are things in my life I am unhappy about, I do have a lot to be grateful for and I know that I am very fortunate compared to many others.
I often take time to take a step back and think about the things I am grateful for. I annoy my wife almost every day by holding squeezing her hand or cuddling her tight and saying one day we won't be able to do this anymore. She laughs it off and says "yeah yeah, I know", but it's true. I do think like that. Who knows what's round the corner. It maybe sounds quite depressing but it's a thought that scares me. The reality is none of us get out of this life alive, and I dread the day one of us is left. I say to her I hope I'm the first to go as I think you'd clearly cope better than me 😂
A nice drive is something I do too to reflect, listening to music on the way, driving to someone with a nice view, taking in nature and fresh air. Listening to others laughing and just people watching thinking to myself these people have their own lives going on that I have absolutely no idea about, but it reminds me that everyone does have their own things going on and their own problems.
It is a bit corny but it does help to feel better when you're feeling down."
"Getting a hug from my husband every day when I come home from work. Also when my dog is sleeping, wakes up to look at us, then flops his head back down like it’s too heavy to carry anymore and goes right back to sleep. My two favorite things in the world."
" Being married to my best friend and having the marriage/family I always dreamt about and never had.
Living in a very small town in the middle of a forest. Nothing my trees, fields and hills. (I grew up in Chicago so I can appreciate a town no one ever heard of out in the boonies)
Animals... seeing the squirrels play, or hearing the owl at night.
Smelling the forest every time I walk out (we have no neighbours across the street, just trees)
Good food and good friends.
The mountains and everything about them. My heart belongs to the Canadian rockies, but I love all of them.
There's so much to be grateful for. Even when it's tough ( I've had a panic disorder and depression on and off for 20 years) its the little things that will lift you up."
"Noticing someone's face light up when they see you."
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