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sageaust t1_jdu5qp3 wrote

This hit a nerve with me. Very true words. Hope it's a real quote. Never can trust the internet.


SpiritStriver90 t1_jdu7k18 wrote

It is indeed, actually, though perhaps a little liberty has been taken with the translation - also keep in mind that Socrates is kind of a funny case historically(*), because he didn't write stuff; others quoted him and then did the writing, so what we have is more a quote of a quote in every case regarding him:

>It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit. But you cannot see that, if you are careless; for it will not come of its own accord.

Attributed to Socrates in Memorabilia by Xenophon.

(*) though not uniquely - Laozi, in China, is much the same way.


Keepersofthearcane t1_jdug8at wrote

No man has the right to not workout...That's the most bro quote I've ever heard. Also mistranslated from a quote of a quote from a guy that never wrote anything down. You can tell it hit a nerve with me to


sageaust t1_jdui51r wrote

Should be graffitied on the wall of every gym haha 😂