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IIIDVIII t1_jcvdd49 wrote

Looking at this stressed me out, ngl.


annonymark t1_jcwi40y wrote

Bullshit, Stress is a killer you need to eliminate it

I had a stressful job before. I quit that and now I'm much happier. Fuck stress


Use-Useful t1_jcwtn8y wrote

There is a fair bit of research to say that how you view stress determines its effect on you - to the point . I 100% agree stress is very bad for people, but changing your attitude on it might make a big difference in how it effects you.


Alwaysunder_thegun t1_jcx996r wrote

There are different types of stress too. This is the " difficulty and challenges" stress. Not, the " my child swallowed something they shouldn't have" stress. Or the " I have no money so I'm going to get evicted" stress.

I find a lot of these motivation/ health things are for when you only have surface problems


Use-Useful t1_jcyii69 wrote

That's fair. The research I am familiar with is about day traders who have a notoriously short life span due to cardiac problems from more or less constant gambling of huge sums of money.

Edit: I'm actually not convinced that their case is so dissimilar to your examples ... some people may view "I'm broke so I cant pay rent" as a moment of doom, and other may view it as a problem they need to figure out, a challenge to be met? I'm not sure, but it seems to me that the reality is irrelevant to the attitude involved, and that seems like it lines up with the research? I dont know, I am not saying this isnt toxic optimism in some ways, but the research I am familiar with still seems to apply.


ArcaneHex t1_jcwkvoc wrote

It is much easier to learn to cope with stress than avoiding stress altogether though.


annonymark t1_jcwlcqa wrote

That depends on how much stress. I worked for a startup and it overwhelmed me.


RichBuffalo2893 t1_jcxcnh8 wrote

Amen . I 'll second that opinion ! Stress isn't 't a motivator it really is a muthrrfu@&ker . I did read it correctly 1 st time ....


notatechnicianyo t1_jd05qi5 wrote

I think this is more akin to anxiety here. If your job is adding to your anxiety, or your friends, or your habits, or what have you… yes, remove the stressors from your life wherever reasonable (no throwing your baby in the trash!!!).

Sometimes life is just stressful, responsibilities pile up, and you can’t make them disappear. In that case ignoring or abandoning your responsibilities is guaranteed to give you more stress later on. You can abandon your responsibilities, they won’t abandon you (relationships aside >_>).

I’d say I agree that you need to “eliminate it” though. Eliminate it through direct and deliberate confrontation, which in the case of your job would be finding a better job.


dreamingonastar1 OP t1_jcxlbbi wrote

Everything needs to be balanced. What motivates me doesn’t necessarily motivate you and vice versa. That’s ok we’re different people. There are people who look on the bright side of things. Getting out of the all or nothing mindset allows you to take on the world with a better attitude which reduces stress.

Do what’s best for you boo, just like I’m going to do what’s best for me and I’m just trying to inspire people along the way…


MinnieShoof t1_jcwww9z wrote

Everyone else raggin on you OP and while I don’t disagree with them - If you make a divide halfway down your graphic and then continue to have a divide running roughly down the same section further on… it really comes across as a continuation of the previous section. Like, from this graphic it really does look like “Don’t” continues on to things like “Don’t Keep Calm” and “Don’t Slow Down” “Don’t Enjoy Life” etc. My suggest would be, well, scrap the whole thing, first, but otherwise instead of having the Don’t/Do be left/right have them be top/bottom.

Also, seek help.


d_8399 t1_jcwdhs2 wrote

Too much going on her. Shit up.


sumknowbuddy t1_jcwlqsl wrote

How to manage stress: de-stress



inkseep1 t1_jcwq6e8 wrote

Maybe stress can be motivating but the greatest motivator of all is spite.


asceticguy t1_jcwx03c wrote

These advices got rid of all my stress. There's no more motivator left, please send help.


stu_pid_1 t1_jcx8xs1 wrote

How about don't work like that and do a job that makes you happy....I love chicken wings so I decided to be a day trader for all the tendies


RichBuffalo2893 t1_jcxciq9 wrote

Where it says DO think of stress as a challenge DO think of stress as a motivator , I thought it said a mo* herf*$ker . No lie . Had to enlarge page .


henke443 t1_jcxeitn wrote

This color scheme and wording makes it feel like a /r/AntiWork post

While that said there’s some truth in this. Your mindset can change stress, but I would disagree that you should still call it stress if you’ve successfully manage it.


ace400 t1_jcxydjt wrote

You can handle stress for productivity. In stressful times i managed to get so much done and felt better after it than every break could give me...

I think many people here confuse normal stress with depression, or desperation over situations...

People thrive when they want to achive something, even if it stresses them trhoughout the day, its about the fulfillment, that makes someone feel good... achieving a break feels much better than just taking one...

But yeah i think that boils down to having a healthy goal in live, for which you can stress out ...


Akai1up t1_jcytxc3 wrote

Sadly, stress is my only motivator...


aphrodisiactoez t1_jcyvxpo wrote

Its literally hilarious how everyone in this thread is the left side of the picture and OP has ascended to the right side (Edit: sorry for being insensitive it isnt funny its just sad to see and funny in a macabre way)

It sounds dumb but it isnt not true its just that most of us are still growing and dealing w mental issues and have our heads up our asses, and even if we don't something else is eating us.

Point is to let shit leave you refreshed knowing that focusing on the positives is truly a challenge and one that is satisfying to win

Im going thru it right now but this picture encouraged me because thats what im doing, counting my blessings not throwing a pity party


notatechnicianyo t1_jd06a9m wrote

Embracing the stress: handling the cause of your stress through effort, diet, therapy, and possibly medication (properly prescribed).

Fighting the stress: ignoring the source, procrastinating the solutions, self medication, toxic behavior towards others as if that’s somehow gonna help.

Edit: I would like to add that I have anxiety, and it’s very hard to do all the stuff to deal with it. I go to therapy, I take my medication on time, and I try to be overall healthy. I fail. A lot. I just don’t give up no matter how much I want to some days.

If you’re struggling with any of these things there are sources to help you! 988 is the crisis hotline in the USA. Betterhelp is a fairly affordable therapy option, and there are tons of clinics that offer sliding scales to help get you the help you need and deserve on the budget you have.