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radarmy t1_jct2wob wrote

My dad used to describe (work) life as walking up to the edge of a cliff, hanging your toes off the edge, then doing the same thing the next day.


bodhiseppuku t1_jctaqwj wrote

The secret to life:

  • finding benefits in 'showing up', even when you didn't want to.

AayushMaru t1_jctbfvz wrote

Gonna use this for my finals tomorrow!


_lostkidsof1962s t1_jctdeir wrote

This is exactly what I have been doing lately at work no matter how down my self-confidence is for the past days.


norrain13 t1_jcu1o7z wrote

This is easily the hardest part for me. Getting there. For anything. If I can talk myself into leaving the house it will generally be OK, but that ain't easy.


Luurk_OmicronPersei8 t1_jcu4675 wrote

I always hear my dad saying in my head "it's a low bar". He has said this a few times to me about things that I really already knew I should do. I remember his words when my kids ask me to read them a book, give them a bath, or for my wife when she asks that I do some specific chore or go somewhere with her, I hear my dad "it's a low bar" as in, the least I can do are these little things. Maybe I am not a great father or husband, but I can clear that low bar of showing up and doing what I consider the bare minimum. Pay the bills, keep my wife happy, be there for my kids: it is a low bar. Nobody is asking me to truly better myself and become a better man each and every day, they just need me to check some boxes. And if I keep doing that, I might just improve myself as a whole in the long run.


Luurk_OmicronPersei8 t1_jcu4wwy wrote

My dad describes work as just another day breaking big rocks into smaller rocks. He happens to be a high level healthcare executive, but I truly believe in his mind he's just breaking rocks. Each day before the sun rises, you get to work and you don't stop until the sun goes down, and you do that each and every day because those rocks won't break themselves. We all live like kings in this modern age, and it is important to humble ourselves and commit to a life of service, whether that's to an organization, your family, or just managing your own life. You gotta just keep breaking those rocks, because it's about the habit. Submit to your own authority that says you have to get up and keep trying because if you don't, who will?


Miliaa t1_jcubodp wrote

Google, define latibulate.

First result is song Latibulate by Adam Donaldson (2021).

Then forreadingaddicts says definition is to hide oneself in a corner.

My phone is marking the word as incorrectly spelled so it doesn’t seem to be a regularly used word


12altoids34 t1_jcus576 wrote

You can't show up if no one tells you where to be or allows you to be there


hey_sparky t1_jcvr97e wrote

At first I misread the word “show” as “shut” …


RanCestor t1_jcw6qm7 wrote

Show up and GTFO. Sounds like my latest date that didn't happen.