Submitted by Dpmotivates t3_11oyp1r in GetMotivated

Are you feeling overwhelmed and considering quitting? Is the thought of throwing in the towel and walking away from your goals and dreams weighing heavily on your mind? Before you decide to throw in the towel, take a moment to consider the potential consequences of quitting.

  1. Do not surround yourself with quitters - Find others who are committed to building a better future for themselves and others, even in the face of adversity, so that you can keep pushing yourself to be better.
  2. Remember your why - The purpose of your life is to live it. To make the most of every minute, every hour and every day. To do something great with your life so that when you go, you go knowing you have done great work.
  3. Quitting can affect your self esteem - Quitting can affect your self-esteem and confidence. You may think you will always be a loser, and not be able to get it right. In reality, you can learn from your mistakes, grow as a person and make big changes in your life.
  4. Quitting can be a permanent fix to a temporary problem - Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a one-time solution for most things in life. The best thing we can do is to accept that some things are out of our control and that QUITTING isn't an option.
  5. You have goals and dreams - If you want to see them through, you have to be willing to work for them. The truth is that going after something requires effort, but at the same time it also helps if you know that you're doing things right.

Quitting can be a theme throughout all fields of life, and is often used to escape the reality of hardship in order to reach a state of acceptance. However, I have learned not to give up when faced with difficulty. Instead, I have turned adversity into an opportunity for increased growth.



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Garden_girlie9 t1_jbvgbf8 wrote

Quitting is always an option, it’s important to know when to quit and when to not quit.

I’m not going to tell someone in an abusive relationship “quitting is never an option”.


Dpmotivates OP t1_jc38rjv wrote

Exiting from an abusive relationship is not quitting. Choosing your value as a person is not quitting. Self love will never be an act of quitting.


Garden_girlie9 t1_jc3fb3u wrote

What about quitting drinking alcohol, quitting doing drugs, or self harming? It’s still quitting.


Clever_Mercury t1_jbvvfas wrote

#1 is difficult.

I had to crawl out of hell to get an education and a job. Still feel like an outsider most days and don't have any of those 'deep' friendships or mentorships that clearly help others prosper. How do we make those? Where do we build that?


h2ogal t1_jc1brt4 wrote

I usually find mentors at work. When you consistently deliver value, above expectations, people tend to want to foster this, to help you progress and get recognition and promotion.

If you stay at a company for a while (or in an industry), and you are good at what you do, while also being considerate and easy to work with, people will start to seek you out for projects.

You also have to think about what your mentor gets out of the relationship. I make sure to speak well of my mentors publicly and to make their life easier whenever possible.


Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jc10ikc wrote

quitting is not the best option why? everything in this world requires consistency just like you and you girlfriend you treat her well 'consistent' so that she is now your girlfriend etc. anyway life gives us what we wants if we truly believes and do the work everysingle day in our life consistently


Dpmotivates OP t1_jc386rv wrote

I agree with you. There's a time on my life that I am tempted to quit because it seems like the universe is not giving what I wanted. Then I go back to my "why". My reason why I started doing it in the first place


Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jc5w4mj wrote

good brother keep it up and do the hardest work as possible every single day and always don't forget DON'T QUITT we got this Godbless you ma bruh