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Yarusenai t1_jbpk6yt wrote

I think the same about the excerpt he wrote further up. It's unnecessarily verbose, so much that it really restricts the flow. He does say it's like that the entire time, which would turn me off immediately, but I am probably not the target audience. Good luck in either case!


Sovereign444 t1_jbpkwrd wrote

I agree, I mean I hate to be a spoilsport and I’m happy for him, but it seems unnecessarily overly complicated.


Kristofmorrow OP t1_jbplkxz wrote

It was written for those who love writers like Dickens and I appreciate your thoughtful words. Though what I wrote further up about Still Morrow is not a summary, it’s an excerpt from the book.


Yarusenai t1_jbpulpa wrote

Yes, that's what I meant; the excerpt. I corrected that.