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Archaris t1_jbmmwp6 wrote

My preferred alternative, paragraph 3 of

Good Timber by Douglas Malloch

Good timber does not grow with ease:
The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.


InkBlotSam t1_jbmoa0d wrote

This is an old proverb, hundreds of years old. Why do people think it's a quote from FDR?


[deleted] t1_jbmy7sh wrote

A small dick never made a skilled vagina - Franklin Deez nuts.


karmabyte t1_jbnc4z1 wrote

I read that as "A smooth sea never killed a sailor", wondering how that is motivating 😂


Svenskensmat t1_jbnd6ny wrote

Ironically, smooth seas is what separates the good dingy sailors from the average dingy sailors in competitions.

Everyone can go quick when the wind is constant, but finding wind when there seemingly is none takes real skill.


jiub_the_dunmer t1_jbnfafb wrote

A ship is safe in harbour, but that is not what ships are built for.


megaancient t1_jbnj9rg wrote

It increases the chances of reaching your destination alive, I'd take that over skilled but dead.


Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jbnlsmz wrote

yeah because every single person builds to conquer and overcome those hardship and challenges specially men


CaptSaveAHoe55 t1_jbnmtwp wrote

That’s a good proverb, but hear me out.

Story 1: wow, that sailing trip across the Atlantic was miserable, but it made me a skilled sailor.

Story 2: wow, that sailing trip across the Atlantic was easy, we made it to Bermuda with great time, so we spent a night doing cocaine and banging locals. After that we landed in Spain a few days early and had extra time to see the sights and eat incredible food.

Idk, just seems like one of those is way cooler


Peeche94 t1_jbno8y9 wrote

This is awful in SO many ways.


Fangpyre t1_jbnrrhu wrote

If that’s the case than I must be one heck of a sailor.


siler7 t1_jbntdwh wrote

Of course it does. You start out on smooth seas and progress from there.


MasudaManiac t1_jbpjg1e wrote

I love this sort of thinking until it goes too far. This is where people get the idea of pulling ones self up by their boot straps. Adversity is good, struggle is good, in a healthy balance. A hurricane is going to completely fuck anything in its path up. Doesn’t matter how strong the tree, or the boat, or the people on the boat.


dude_who_could t1_jbqasxp wrote

But it makes happy sailor families with non-dead sailors.


thebigandbrown t1_jbqrzt5 wrote

Neckdeep walked so ‘Franklin D. Roosevelt’ could run /s


RoninSoul t1_jbr1vsv wrote

Rough seas have killed many skilled sailors.
