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VincentGrinn t1_j8fs88g wrote

theyre basically just maglev trains in a vaccum, so 1g acceleration/deceleration is entirely reasonable and safe so long as people are sitting, though hyperloop planned for 0.5g

though most maglev trains only do 0.25 accel and 0.3g deccel which is lame


AcanthocephalaFit766 t1_j8ftncb wrote

a magical vacuum


VincentGrinn t1_j8fuihr wrote

whats so magical about it?


ReturnedAndReported t1_j8fvpvo wrote

How bad it sucks.


VincentGrinn t1_j8fz9d4 wrote

well yeah i mean the plans for hyperloop were an ideal distance of 1500km

which means its a 19,000km^3 partial vacuum chamber

that shit cant be easy and even if they did manage it somehow, i dont think its practical

yeah nvm its actually 19km^3 which isnt that unreasonable ONLY requiring 2500 of the most powerful vacuum pumps in the world, still stupid though