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Shiningc t1_j887yd7 wrote

Because just collecting data doesn't allow us to find causal connections, or "explanations" for that data. The data just might be a bunch of garbage data.

We need explanations or theories to know what data is relevant in the first place.


Corsair4 t1_j888fif wrote

That's not what I asked. I'm not saying that hypotheses are not important.

Here is your original statement.

>Well again the problem is thinking that science is about gathering data and doing measurements. That doesn't really help with figuring out how things work.

For this to be true, you must be able to "figure out how things work" without data and measurements.

I'm not the one taking the stance that hypotheses are not important. You are the one taking a stance that data is not important. Defend it.

Explain to me how you validate a hypothesis without any data. Don't use Darwin or Einstein, their contributions were based in explaining previous data, as well as explaining anomalous data. Therefore, you cannot use them as an example here.


Shiningc t1_j888v3a wrote

Obviously I said "science is about gathering data and doing measurements". Science is about coming up with theories and explanations. Otherwise you might just have a bunch of garbage data and measurements that don't help with anything.


Corsair4 t1_j8892d3 wrote

>Obviously I said "science is about gathering data and doing measurements".

Wow, you don't even know what you said.

No, you didn't say that "science is about gathering data and doing measurements".

You specifically said that

>Well again the problem is thinking that science is about gathering data and doing measurements.

This conversation has run it's course. There is no worthwhile discussion to be had with someone that doesn't even understand their own written claims. Just lead with that next time, and save us all some effort.


Shiningc t1_j88b3es wrote

Can you actually read? I said "Science is about coming up with theories and explanations." after that sentence. Obviously I included the "problem" part in its meaning.