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SaulsAll t1_j8u63m6 wrote

So much of what we are moving toward is reliant on info and data input. I really hope we can figure out a way to get individuals' societal value (i.e. money) based on how much the tech gleans from their input. Everyone would have a "base pay" of just being a person and giving those data points. But you go exploring? You create some writing or art? You do something over and above that the AI then references to improve - you get "paid".


ImmotalWombat t1_j8uynu4 wrote

That's just socialistic capitalism with extra steps.


SaulsAll t1_j8v17f0 wrote

I dont think there are any extra steps, but yes. The point is moving the basis of the capital onto input rather than production.


ImmotalWombat t1_j8v2zvh wrote

Nah I agree you. Mixed economies do best and setting a floor for all citizens makes it more fair for everyone.


johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j8we0po wrote

How can you raise the floor without raising the ceiling? Are you proposing some type of pancake like compression? I do not comprehend. I mean how will i communicate to you that i am better than you if we all have access to the same resources?