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twasjc t1_j7raegd wrote

We're moving away from batteries in general and instead focusing on making zero point modules smaller with background energy storage. Area 51 has ones the size of a cell phone or so atm. We can separate storage and generation from usage


Fonzie1225 t1_j7ressg wrote

and the US military isn’t using this technology in every fifth-gen fighter because that would make things TOO easy!


twasjc t1_j7rf3ki wrote

Because we didn't understand how to measure the energy draw and commits. We do now


MarvinStolehouse t1_j7rlhse wrote

Once we can get that up to toaster size, we can finally get that 8th chevron to lock.


GeminiKoil t1_j7tb5g1 wrote

At that point we can go grab the ZPM we fuckin' forgot in Atlantis and won't even need the other shit.


hallowass t1_j7rxipi wrote

This guy watched stargate and thought it was a true story.