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farticustheelder t1_j8yvhaj wrote

Do a bit of research. This is just wrong: "One is the idea around how life as we know it evolved from viruses to us through a process I’ve nicknamed Organic Intelligent Design."

Think about it: viruses have no ability to reproduce without hijacking a cell's machinery. So viruses logically come later than cells.

Unfortunately thinking about things leads to us killing off about 99% of the ideas that occur to. Of the ones you can't personally kill, reddit will do the job for about 99.999% of the rest.

The ideas that do survive are not really worth all that much: google meat loaf recipe and you get 25 million+ hits, creating a 'new recipe' won't exactly add much to the conversation.

But we do get oddball ideas that don't want to die. Like FTL flight. Impossible according to relativity, mathematical loophole allows for negative energy. If that turns out to have physical significance who knows what we might end up with? I get annoyed when people on futurology play around with that type of idea without explaining which physical laws, as we currently understand them, are being abused but I know that interesting stuff may be hidden in those unkillable ideas so I rant away and keep reading.

That being said some ideas don't belong here. Like this one: lithium from seawater; EVs and battery storage demand will cause the price of lithium to go through the roof; it takes years to start a new mine...blah,blah,blah. We can obtain lithium from brine (one currently used method); brine is just condensed sea water; some places need fresh water so set up a brine making shop using solar and wind power and sell the evaporate i.e. fresh water.

Sounds like a decent idea, for the here and now but there isn't any 'futurology' to it.


[deleted] t1_j8z7sxp wrote



BringMeInfo t1_j91p2f9 wrote

>While a virus cannot reproduce, under normal circumstances we are aware of, without hijacking an existing cells biological machinery, the truth it, neither can a human. I dare you to live and reproduce without consuming, tearing apart, and using other existing life in order to live and reproduce.

My friend, I wish to introduce you to photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.

ETA: Unless you are arguing that humans did not arise through evolution and have been present since before other life on Earth, but I'm not sure there's even a religion that believes that.