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EkkoThruTime t1_j9e0e3e wrote

It's maladaptive for modern society.


GuessingAllTheTime t1_j9e45ms wrote

Ableist nonsense. Neurodiversity is essential for our species. It’s weird af to simp for eugenics.


EkkoThruTime t1_j9ecrbf wrote

I'm not making a normative claim of what's good or bad/right or wrong. I'm making a descriptive claim of how people with ADHD struggle in everyday life because of the demands modern society places on individuals.


GuessingAllTheTime t1_j9fsk2p wrote

Bullshit. Your comment in the context of what I wrote is absolutely making a claim that there is something wrong with having ADHD. And in the context of this post, you are supporting eradicating it from the human population through eugenics. Disgusting.

And I don’t struggle in everyday life due to being neurodivergent; I accommodate myself and am very successful. I’m a fantastic problem solver, an out of the box thinker, have lots of energy, and am a strong and needed member of my community. There is nothing maladaptive about me. Same for my many students with ADHD.

In fact, throughout history (and presently), it is neurodivergent folks who have often pushed societies forward while neurotypicals who are obsessed with hierarchy and social structures have hindered progress. Which of us is really maladaptive?