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undefined7196 t1_jactlyi wrote

Jesus Christ dude. A single example of a person who has overcome their instincts please.


Iffykindofguy t1_jactqtw wrote

Literally every human ever who didnt kill someone when they got angry enough to? Or every human ever who didnt steal something because they were slightly hungry in that moment.


I mean its like talking to a 6th grader.


undefined7196 t1_jada9pj wrote

>Our instincts lead to lust, greed, self preservation, depression, fear, anger, jealousy. Give me a single example of a person who has overcome all of that.

Every human who didn't steal something because they were slightly hungry overcame lust, jealousy, greed, fear, anger and depression? What are you talking about? I'm like talking to a 6th grader? Can you even read like a 6th grader? I'll ask again. Directly. Give me a single example of a person who has overcome all of their instincts. To be clear, not one of them in a certain situation, all of them, always. Someone who does not act on their instincts. To be clear again, not some vague statement. Not some bold assertion that people do it all the time. A specific person where their instincts do not control them at all. Just one example. One name. A person. A person's name. For the love of god! If you are saying people do it all the time, then give me one fucking example. Quit just boldly asserting it. A name. Give me a name.

And don't personally attack me and insult my intelligence because you cannot even fucking read.


Iffykindofguy t1_jadandf wrote

HAHAHAHAHA still digging huh. Do you think this is a dm? Do you not know other people can read both of our interactions? I keep providing you with answers you just dont like emotionally.


undefined7196 t1_jadaujp wrote

Answers? Where is the name!?!? Quit dodging the question. Give me a name, or admit people don't do it. Stop dodging the question.


Iffykindofguy t1_jadb38u wrote

Anyone who isnt in jail for murder rn.


undefined7196 t1_jadbpsb wrote

Are you fucking kidding me? You are not in jail. You never feel lust, greed, self preservation, depression, fear, anger, jealousy? Do I need to restate the question a 20th time?

>Our instincts lead to lust, greed, self preservation, depression, fear, anger, jealousy. Give me a single example of a person who has overcome all of that.

"all of that."

"ALL of that"

Did you read it that time? Understand the question. If your example feels any of those things, it does not answer the question. Jesus fucking christ.


Iffykindofguy t1_jadhkd0 wrote

Youre asking me for someone who didnt give into their instincts. We all do that, every single day of our lives.


undefined7196 t1_jadi7gn wrote

Exactly. Why did this take you so long to admit? I could not have been clearer on my question the 5 times I had to ask it. So we agree, that no one has overcome their instincts right? We agree on that? We have no example of it happening and no valid reason to think it can happen outside of pure hopefulness. Correct?


Iffykindofguy t1_jadj4ij wrote

Are you drunk? What part of that comes off as me agreeing with you? We overcome our instincts every single day. We've been overcoming them ever since society first formed.