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h20ohno t1_jabcq7o wrote

I'm of the opinion that the objectively hardest to cross filters are in the past, the transition to complex organisms and becoming intelligent being the hardest.

With that said, I think the only real filter to come is a nuclear apocalypse, one that is so destructive that complex life is no longer possible. To pass such a filter requires some solution that negates nukes, whether it's countermeasures, global disarmament, becoming interplanetary or even just really good fallout bunkers, essentially if civilization has some way to recover from nuclear oblivion, I'd consider it a solution.

After nuking each other into dust is off the table, we'll probably have enough runway to spread out and counteract any other filters like climate disasters, cosmic rays, nanobot swarms and so on, there'll always be some small pocket of us that can rebuild at that point.

And your point on ASI becoming essentially omnicidal, It'd have to do so before other ASI systems can escape it's reach, and it just seems too unlikely to me (Famous last words :P)