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Comfortable_Art_4163 t1_j94p1k9 wrote

Are you suggesting this medical student explore plumbing in medical facilities?


sandcrawler56 t1_j94xs78 wrote

Technically a lot of the job a doctor does is basically fixing plumbing inside a human so I suppose they will do just fine :)


WoodsieOwl31416 t1_j962ven wrote

I goofed. I missed the point that you are a medical student. That advice would apply to other majors. Sorry.


WoodsieOwl31416 t1_j963nw6 wrote

When you begin ordering lab tests (if you haven't already) please bear in mind that if it takes longer than you expect, the hold up might be due to one of those instruments being 'out of control'. The techs are probably in there with screw drivers and wrenches and such and a huge manufacturer's manual trying to figure out what's wrong and fix it. We simply can't turn out a result if the controls run before and after it are not within range. This is a daily occurrence.