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fractivSammy t1_j5zk2g8 wrote

This is definitely a great idea and the scientists should keep at it! By the way, does anyone know a guy called John Connor and happen to know how I could get in touch with him? Thanks in advance!


night_dude t1_j61ahux wrote

Found the T2000's burner account. Nice try, you little shit.


taoleafy t1_j62wff3 wrote

Apparently we’re in the timeline before Kyle Reese gets sent back.


AqUaNtUmEpIc t1_j64eriq wrote

We’ll need Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler too.

“The same team that built the first living robots (“Xenobots,” assembled from frog cells—reported in 2020) has discovered that these computer-designed and hand-assembled organisms can swim out into their tiny dish, find single cells, gather hundreds of them together, and assemble “baby” Xenobots inside their Pac-Man-shaped “mouth”—that, a few days later, become new Xenobots that look and move just like themselves.”


Zoidbergslicense t1_j66la07 wrote

He was here, but he’s in the future now. Hopefully he comes back in time!


KnewAllTheWords t1_j61gkyr wrote

And this is the only video they could get? Most UFO footage is better than this


BobaFett_1978 t1_j61n6ht wrote

If that thing's face resembles Robert Patrick's in any shape or form we better kill it as quickly as possible


Test19s t1_j5zszxp wrote

I know this is more Terminator-like, but can I use it on my 2020s or Transformers bingo card as well?


Apart_Shock t1_j615aio wrote

Well, the future of the Terminator movies is in 2029, sooo...


fleeyevegans t1_j629fxm wrote

Wow the government has been funding ways to get into a prison cell covertly for no reason. Model E95731N


Beowulf44 t1_j62fyua wrote

D-1000 has come to life? They haven't even come up with the guy who says I'll be back yet?


ContinuumGuy t1_j61nyqy wrote

"At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus"


Aquacide t1_j62zf7b wrote

Watch the stomach video further down the article it’s pretty lame, the term robot is very loosely applied, it’s like some type of ferromagnetic form of gallium that they can melt with a induction heater and control its movements with a magnet


TokkiJK t1_j62gpfy wrote

I vaguely remember something from the terminator being like that description


computer-controller t1_j637er7 wrote

They move metal with a magnet and melt it with induction.

The whole reforming thing is bullshit. They just melt it over a mold.


STEMwomen t1_j63e4z3 wrote

This is definitely when humanity ends. Just because it looked cool in a movie doesn't mean we actually need to do it


ModernSherlock t1_j6axwzr wrote

I guess the headline is technically true? I don't know if I'd call this a robot. Maybe more like a gallium manipulator