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IshwithanI t1_j6a8hje wrote

The problem with AI is that nothing it makes is ever really “infinite.” It has to be trained on human behavior/information so its inherently limited. If it’s somehow implemented for “infinite quest generation” it’s just gonna end up giving you variations of the types of quests we’ve had for decades. AI isn’t capable of creativity.


Griffstergnu t1_j6afe2u wrote

Isn’t much of what humans do also derivative. Only the rare artist truly breaks new ground and then the rest follow on for awhile with derivative works.


sorgan71 t1_j6aqwnq wrote

Its the same with people though, you only know how to speak language because of other people teaching you.


Mash_man710 t1_j6bbve2 wrote

Humans are just algorithms. We take in content and data and produce slightly different content and data. All these comments that AI won't replace human creativity are ridiculously naive.


Pbleadhead t1_j6ao021 wrote

Yea, it isnt infinite in the way the Busy Beaver problem means that 'eventually you'll try every possible combination'

But you cant tell me "Blood Manos" is not a stroke of comedic genius, that AI came up with !!over 7 years ago!!

yeesh I cant believe it has been that long.


Sixhaunt t1_j6c6bdc wrote

>It has to be trained on human behavior/information so its inherently limited

That is kindof meaningless though isn't it? There isnt infinite books you can write with 1,000,000,000,000 words but effectively there is when it comes to humans since even spending 1 second on each book would take 31,688 years to go through.

With something like an image AI if it learns an apple and a hat it has now learned more than 2 things. It has hats, apples, apples wearing hats, hats shaped like apples, etc...


It can get very creative with the way it makes things in the end and although there is technically a limitation, it's not something to care about since you will never in your life come close to exhausting it. It can create brand new styles for example since all styles are taken from previous styles/elements and you can even use embeddings to prove it to yourself since you can take a style it wasnt trained on then train an embedding for it (embeddings dont add any new info to the network and are more like searching it for a style then putting those terms and weights into a concise tag)


AbyssalRedemption t1_j6arb1v wrote

This actually reassures me, I don’t want it to outright replace human creativity.

I also don’t want “infinite quest generation” for the most part. I like being able to actually finish a refined, tailor-made experience by one developer, and move onto another.