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Creepy_Toe2680 OP t1_j5602ms wrote

State of lab grown eyes (not part of the article)

Regeneration of eyes as of 2019, June 25

There are still many challenges to address before we can use eyes grown in the lab for transplantation. The retina has a complicated circuitry comprised of nerve cells that are important for processing visual information into a perceived image.

It is not so simple to transplant an eye or individual cells taken from one eye and place them in another, expecting them to connect up perfectly with all the nerves responsible for normal vision.

For example, there are physical barriers that transplanted rods and cones would have to overcome to position themselves in the right place and connect with nerves in the host retina.

The disease processes that lead to blindness in the first place may have led to scarring and remodelling of the host retina, so that transplanted cells have nothing left to connect with.

It is easier to transplant other cell types in the eye that do not have these issues, like retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) which can also be grown from hESCs and iPSCs in the lab.

RPE cells are positioned next to the rod and cone photoreceptors, but they are not involved in the complicated circuitry of the retina. Their role is to supply nutrients to the photoreceptors, take away waste products, and recycle light sensitive molecules.

Some common causes of blindness, like age-related macular degeneration, are actually diseases of the RPE – photoreceptors get damaged as bystanders to the inflammation and bleeding that occur.

That is why clinical trials testing the efficacy of stem cell therapies are transplanting RPE cells and not photoreceptors. So far, the results seem promising and the transplantation of RPE cells appears to be safe.

in aug 2021

Scientists have managed to nurture small clumps of the human brain, giving them the ability to grow their own eyes, or at least two functionally integrated optic vesicles that respond to light.

April 13 , 2022

There are still numerous obstacles to overcome before lab-grown eyes may be used for transplantation. The retina comprises a complex circuitry made up of nerve cells that is responsible for converting visual data into perceptible images.

Transplanting an eye or individual cells from one eye into another and expecting them to connect flawlessly with all of the nerves necessary for normal vision is not straightforward.

So far, the results are encouraging, and RPE cell transplantation appears to be a safe procedure. Therefore, it’s not too far away when we may be able to grow “an eye in a dish” and transplant it to restore a blind person’s vision!

As of nov 2022

The focus is on usher syndrome

The genetic condition in question here is Usher syndrome, a rare birth defect that can leave a baby born deaf and with eyesight that degenerates by adulthood. By growing mini eyes from donors with and without Usher syndrome, the team was able to observe differences between the two. This could ultimately lead to clues for new treatments for the disease, as well as others like retinitis pigmentosa.

January 11, 2023 (this article)

"We wanted to use the cells from those organoids as replacement parts for the same types of cells that have been lost in the course of retinal diseases," says Gamm.

"But after being grown in a laboratory dish for months as compact clusters, the question remained – will the cells behave appropriately after we tease them apart? Because that is key to introducing them into a patient's eye."

"We've been quilting this story together in the lab, one piece at a time, to build confidence that we're headed in the right direction," says Gamm, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

"It's all leading, ultimately, to human clinical trials, which are the clear next step."

Further analysis revealed that the cell types that were most commonly forming synapses were the photoreceptors, commonly distinguished as rods and cones. That's encouraging, because these cell types are the ones lost in diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration.


Edit: before people ask "why they are focusing on genetic defects rather than entirely focusing on growing eyes in lab?"

My understanding is:

They are trying to fix the smaller problems and then move on to the bigger ones, this makes it more sustainable and proves the technology is safe.

They also need more funds in order to continue their research.

The harder problems you try to fix the more investments are required.


FuturologyBot t1_j564y1z wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Creepy_Toe2680:

State of lab grown eyes (not part of the article)

Regeneration of eyes as of 2019, June 25

There are still many challenges to address before we can use eyes grown in the lab for transplantation. The retina has a complicated circuitry comprised of nerve cells that are important for processing visual information into a perceived image.

It is not so simple to transplant an eye or individual cells taken from one eye and place them in another, expecting them to connect up perfectly with all the nerves responsible for normal vision.

For example, there are physical barriers that transplanted rods and cones would have to overcome to position themselves in the right place and connect with nerves in the host retina.

The disease processes that lead to blindness in the first place may have led to scarring and remodelling of the host retina, so that transplanted cells have nothing left to connect with.

It is easier to transplant other cell types in the eye that do not have these issues, like retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) which can also be grown from hESCs and iPSCs in the lab.

RPE cells are positioned next to the rod and cone photoreceptors, but they are not involved in the complicated circuitry of the retina. Their role is to supply nutrients to the photoreceptors, take away waste products, and recycle light sensitive molecules.

Some common causes of blindness, like age-related macular degeneration, are actually diseases of the RPE – photoreceptors get damaged as bystanders to the inflammation and bleeding that occur.

That is why clinical trials testing the efficacy of stem cell therapies are transplanting RPE cells and not photoreceptors. So far, the results seem promising and the transplantation of RPE cells appears to be safe.

in aug 2021

Scientists have managed to nurture small clumps of the human brain, giving them the ability to grow their own eyes, or at least two functionally integrated optic vesicles that respond to light.

April 13 , 2022

There are still numerous obstacles to overcome before lab-grown eyes may be used for transplantation. The retina comprises a complex circuitry made up of nerve cells that is responsible for converting visual data into perceptible images.

Transplanting an eye or individual cells from one eye into another and expecting them to connect flawlessly with all of the nerves necessary for normal vision is not straightforward.

So far, the results are encouraging, and RPE cell transplantation appears to be a safe procedure. Therefore, it’s not too far away when we may be able to grow “an eye in a dish” and transplant it to restore a blind person’s vision!

As of nov 2022

The focus is on usher syndrome

The genetic condition in question here is Usher syndrome, a rare birth defect that can leave a baby born deaf and with eyesight that degenerates by adulthood. By growing mini eyes from donors with and without Usher syndrome, the team was able to observe differences between the two. This could ultimately lead to clues for new treatments for the disease, as well as others like retinitis pigmentosa.

January 11, 2023 (this article)

"We wanted to use the cells from those organoids as replacement parts for the same types of cells that have been lost in the course of retinal diseases," says Gamm.

"But after being grown in a laboratory dish for months as compact clusters, the question remained – will the cells behave appropriately after we tease them apart? Because that is key to introducing them into a patient's eye."

"We've been quilting this story together in the lab, one piece at a time, to build confidence that we're headed in the right direction," says Gamm, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

"It's all leading, ultimately, to human clinical trials, which are the clear next step."

Further analysis revealed that the cell types that were most commonly forming synapses were the photoreceptors, commonly distinguished as rods and cones. That's encouraging, because these cell types are the ones lost in diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration.


Edit: before people ask "why they are focusing on genetic defects rather than entirely focusing on growing eyes in lab?"

My understanding is:

They are trying to fix the smaller problems and then move on to the bigger ones, this makes it more sustainable and proves the technology is safe.

They also need more funds in order to continue their research.

The harder problems you try to fix the more investments are required.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


Sportmotor t1_j587d6w wrote

If it can fix stardarts Id be a willing participant for a trial. Even the hope is better than nothing


misguidedlong96 t1_j593m1y wrote

The medical field will at least stop using existing human eyes, eyes from accidents, or even eyes taken from kidnapping.


ThrillSurgeon t1_j59izxq wrote

Yet we still can't even fabricate cartilage. Someone do a dissertation on the topic. Bio-material is an interesting discipline. Probably wouldn't increase medical industry profits so it's just ignored.


Uncle_Touchy1987 t1_j59mypp wrote

Hooray! Replacement parts! Replacement parts! Replacement parts! Replacement parts! Replacement parts!


Big-Job2481 t1_j5a958f wrote


The older kids were havin' a Texas snowball fight 'n I got hit in the eye accidentally. They took out my tonsils 'n adnoise suspecting that was the problem. Many years later, I visited an eye doctor in Wilmington, N.C. that took a poloroid pix exposing the scare tissue. He sent it to the famous JOHN HOPKINS boxing horsepital and they said there was a 50 to 1 chance I would be blinded if they tried to remove it !


StoicOptom t1_j5d8liw wrote

Not to give false hope here, but IMO you should follow the OpRegen RPE cell replacement trial being run by Roche/Genentech.

Although not in Stargardts but GA AMD (age-related macular degeneration) for now, I suspect they will expand the trial in future to include other diseases that result in retinal degeneration.

OpRegen is the only therapy that has been able to partially regenerate human retinal tissue and reverse atrophy in an early clinical trial, which is why I'm excited about its prospects. They actually did treat a Vitelliform macula dystrophy patient under compassionate use but we don't have public info on how it went.

Disclosure: equity in Lineage Cell Therapeutics, but am an optometrist and PhD student