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johnfogogin t1_j3w0zkj wrote

Orbits every 37 days? So its zipping around the star?


Yeuph t1_j3wlhwh wrote

I wonder what the "gravity" difference is when you're standing outside of the orbit vs when you're inside the orbit being pushed outward while standing on the planet. It's probably small but measurable.

I think the centrifugal force causes a weight difference of about 0.5% on the Earth standing on the equator vs standing on the poles, it's pretty large actually


Schyte96 t1_j3wuus6 wrote

  1. That is due to the centrifugal force due to the rotation of the Earth, and not the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.

  2. Only 1/3rd of that 0.5% is due to the centrifugal force, the rest is due to the oblateness putting you about 21km further from the center of the earth when on the equator vs the poles.

I think both of these effects would be smaller, as the planet is likely tidally locked, making it's rotation slower than Earth, which also makes the equatorial bulge smaller.


Yeuph t1_j3wyfcl wrote

Yes I know it is due to the centrifugal force, which was why I said that.

The question about the planet was not about that, it was about the effect of a fast orbit on perceived gravity depending upon which side of the planet you were on relative to the orbit

The earth thing was just to show these types of effects can have measurable effects, not that it was exactly the same


ChalupaCabre t1_j3wu251 wrote

Do you mean you wonder what the gravitational force is on that planet, compared to earth’s whopping 9.807 m/s²?


ChalupaCabre t1_j3wtqs4 wrote

Earth is also zipping around our star at 67,000mph and yet I don’t feel a damn thing.


johnfogogin t1_j3wulr4 wrote

Yet it takes us 365.25 days to get around it.


ChalupaCabre t1_j3wv4zw wrote

Yeah earth days… 24 hours because earth is also spinning at a rate of 1037.7mph.

Everything’s so dang fast! It’s like a dang carnival ride, except it isn’t making me throw up!


BlondeMomentByMoment t1_j3xal6d wrote

I’m a bit nauseated by our plants condition, but that’s another topic altogether.

Keep your arms and hands inside the ride ;)


ChalupaCabre t1_j3xlevy wrote

You just need some herbal psilocybin tea to settle you. Thanks Mother Nature!


BlondeMomentByMoment t1_j3y4fm6 wrote

You’re not wrong.

I’m becoming more educated about treatments with such a thing and plan to involve myself in a little horticulture.


ChalupaCabre t1_j3yzamu wrote

Totally off topic… but I read a few books and listened to some podcasts, then started micro and macro dosing psilocybin about 3 years ago.

I’m not saying my lifelong bouts of depression are cured, but I have never been better!!

It was pretty “grey market” stuff here.. technically illegal, but cops & government don’t really go after people. Happy to say that as of January 1st it’s legal for small amounts of possession as a trial run for 3 years.

I think psilocybin/mdma type therapies could do wonders on people with addictions, depression and PTSD among dozens of other non-beneficial mental health issues.


BlondeMomentByMoment t1_j3z3evq wrote

I really appreciate your comment.

I’m absolutely on board with psychedelics for treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD and so on. There’s a lot of data to support the benefit.

It’s been decriminalized where I live. Psychedelics can be possessed , grown, gifted.

There are therapists, they don’t dispense, but they act as guides.

I haven’t looked much at the subreddit here. Ive got a PharmD friend and another friend that worked as a grower in the cannabis industry. Her friend that owned that have a company that sells growing medium, lights etc. they used to grow mushroom and gave her some spores. I’ve got a perfect little closet in the basement of my old house.

Feel free to message me anytime to talk about it.

I don’t know where to get anything. Ketamine IV was a huge fail for me. Mostly because the practitioners didn’t prepare or guide me.

Sorry for the novel. I just really appreciates your comment.

Congrats on feeling better. I’d take feeling less awful as a win.