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LinCashew t1_j3qfpan wrote

Honestly it seems to be worth it considering the impacts of global warming


tritikar t1_j3qroqz wrote

Ahhh, clearly the answer of someone who doesn't have to live under intense UV of the sunlight in Australia.


LinCashew t1_j3qs9fz wrote

hahahahaha Australia?

come to semiarid region of Brazil to know what is intense UV


tritikar t1_j3ros3o wrote

You do realise that Australia is mostly desert, and that since both Australia and Brazil are on similar latitudes they have similar uv index to each other. Within reason for where exactly in each country you are.


LinCashew t1_j3rqf6f wrote

  1. almost no one lives in the desert
  2. the populated area of australia and the region i was talking about from Brazil are in very different latitudes, australia bellow the capricorn tropic and Brazil very close to the equator

tritikar t1_j3rs37a wrote

I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what your trying to say here.

First, of course not many people live in the desert.

It's a fucking desert! And we have a massive coastline to live on instead.

But your second point is where I'm confused.

Are you comparing the part of Australia below the tropic of Capricorn with Brazil closest point to the equator.

Bit disingenuous don't you think.

And before you try to say but everyone in Australia live below the tropic of Capricorn. No we don't.

Our largest city's below it, sure. But plenty of people still live in that area.