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KamikazeArchon t1_j3b8xwj wrote

Dreaming has biological purposes; replacing that with memory playback is likely to be anywhere from problematic to catastrophic for health.

At best it might be possible to "seed" dream subjects in a general sense and then let the brain do its thing.


pimpy543 t1_j3bcf9l wrote

Interesting; I’ve always wondered why we dream.


superluminary t1_j3bj9ny wrote

People go insane if you stop them from dreaming. It’s likely something to do with information storage and categorisation.


charleswj t1_j3bjf7x wrote

Is it necessarily the dreaming or the phase of sleep they're being deprived of?


The_Red_Grin_Grumble t1_j3c8hja wrote

The phase of sleep where you dream is REM. Depriving of one is essentially depriving of both.


Hxbib t1_j3c3zh1 wrote

i’ve had some nights where i don’t think i dreamt and they were so weird. like one second i’m awake, one second passes, reality is paused, and the next second i’m upright in my bed at whatever time again.


like9000ninjas t1_j3cbd9t wrote

I dont dream from smoking pot before bed. Not insane.... yet?


superluminary t1_j3d42go wrote

Everyone dreams, you've just usually forgotten by morning. If someone woke you during REM sleep you'd remember. The pot is probably just making you less likely to wake.