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Solonotix t1_j2iltb7 wrote

Here's my take on an ELI5 answer

Imagine you're travelling to some destination. A straight line is the shortest path. However, traditional computing requires tracing the path with Right/Left directions. Quantum computing provided a way to estimate a turn much like degrees on a compass. This is because of the superposition of states (not relevant to this explanation).

When measured, these will "collapse" (as-is the term for describing wave-form probabilities resolving to concrete values) into the Left/Right directions we're familiar with, but it will have arrived at the destination/solution with fewer total turns.

Sometimes this isn't a better solution. If you have a straight line path already, then you don't need to use Quantum Computing for it (they are generally slower at resolving simple problems). If you have a path that is all Left/Right turns, then Quantum Computing will likely save you no time (number crunching is often better performed on Traditional Computers).

Hope this helps