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VermontZerg t1_j0qumkn wrote

Economy will be fine, look how amazing it was during the period of time where more people had more money to spend, and weren't working.

Anyone demonizing AI is probably afraid of change, or has an agenda.

The biggest change from it will be that rich people feel less important because they have less wage slaves, and more people will be able to do exactly what they do for hobbies, because they have time to do it, just with less money.

Look what happened with work from home, middle managers HATE that shit cause they don't have people to micromanage.

The rich will just be irritated like usual cause leisure life wont be a rich only privilege.

People acting like the rich will cull the world because of AI, are absolutely deranged, not all rich people are evil.

Their is massive groups right now campaigning ANTI-AI because it will usher in a new era of equality, but instead they try to spin that its the end of the world, humanity will be culled, only war will happen ETC, just to cause fear.

Just like the huge Anti-UBI narrative that keeps getting spun here, pay attention to what you read, question everything, and don't allow people to spin their ideas in your head because it "sounds scary".


TheGnomeWizard t1_j0rafm4 wrote

A lot of people want to work because they feel it gives their life meaning. You aren’t looking at all the people that fell into depression when they had nothing to do. And I’ve worked with a lot of wealthy clients. Very few (if any) come across as “good” people.