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chuckziss t1_j226h3j wrote

Perhaps I was a bit harsh haha. It’s still an interesting article, and I find the use interesting, but the title was a bit of a stretch


CantRememberPass10 t1_j2401s2 wrote

No this post is trash - it’s like all the articles talking about carbon capture as going to save us when the problem is… stop creation. Reduce reuse recycle but the BIGGEST PART is the REDUCE….


cyphersaint t1_j24pb8u wrote

Carbon capture is going to be a necessity. We're simply NOT going to completely stop creation, and we're not likely to get it down to the point where the environment isn't being negatively impacted. Furthermore, zero carbon simply isn't enough. Not with the length of time that carbon stays in the atmosphere.


imafraidofmuricans t1_j2513j5 wrote

In that case, we are doomed.


cyphersaint t1_j253sxg wrote

Why? Just because it's really expensive to scale up right now doesn't mean it's going to remain that way.