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veliza_raptor t1_j2a6pzl wrote

20/21. Some of them were definitely harder than others, but the only one that stumped me was the Japanese scroll.


bushpotatoe t1_j2afwwt wrote

Dead giveaway for me was the deer in the bottom right of the true image. AI art just couldn't do that.


WrongJohnSilver t1_j2as7pw wrote

Yeah, it was the deer. Also, the writing on the AI scroll just didn't make sense. More story, more human.


DatTomahawk t1_j2b5n6a wrote

The writing is what tipped me off. I don’t know how to read Japanese, but those characters looked more or less like random scribbles.


Smash_Factor t1_j2awjgf wrote

Yes, that and the background of the AI image. That house is just wrong and the lines aren't correct in the surrounding area for something painted by a human.


Cubey42 t1_j2ajuly wrote

19 out of 21, mainly just looked for the thing that AI does where it kinda forgets what a lines purpose was and would repurpose it for something else. for me it was the sunflower vase. for the scroll the building at the top made 0 sense so I didn't even look at the rest of the picture


diyebb2 t1_j2aw82r wrote

the scroll was one of the easier ones, the writing was smudged and irregular


SpikeyBiscuit t1_j2aps8k wrote

I got the same score because I saw the text on the AI one and immediately said "AI can't do text" lmao


imeuru t1_j2athr3 wrote

I've had some interesting text pop up on ai images, my two favorites are Oop! next to a cartoon ghost, and a Taco Beell sign.

It tries real hard anyway.


Ogpeeps t1_j2b1et2 wrote

The characters gave that one away.


jobhand t1_j2bfirc wrote

I was suspicious of the top one but the text is what sealed it for me.