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KamikazeArchon t1_j04ixz7 wrote

>what’s the origin of the information that fueled Putin’s horrible decision to invade Ukraine?

The hubris of dictators is caused a well-known feedback loop that we've seen dozens of times in history, from long before we even had computers, much less AI.


>How did the US become so divided so quickly?

It didn't. The US has always been massively divided. The only thing that changed was the position of the divide.

>Why are governments all over the world getting worse at solving problems?

They're not. This is such a broad statement that it's difficult to even understand what you could be referring to.

In general terms, the world is getting better over time, not worse. This is a "noisy" improvement, with dips and rises; and it's not equally distributed over the entire globe at all times. However, by most measures, things are improving, including governments, when you look at long-term (decades) behaviors.


Iggy_spots t1_j060vmg wrote

Maybe the ability to access more information and to interact with people globally has made us more aware of problems and how governments deal with them. The problems and bad government policies were already there. People just didn't think about them if they weren't affected personally.