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mindingtheyakkha t1_j2dr0cg wrote

Water, which is taken for granted in many areas, has already become a reason for war. We take clean water for granted. In my county, in Florida Nestle is continuously given rights to our springs, though all indications point to a lower water table, habitat destruction and of course plastic pollution since they bottle our water to sell back to us.


wisenedwighter t1_j2drni7 wrote

Az gives water to Saudi owned farms.


95castles t1_j2duoe2 wrote

Yeah they’re specifically draining one of Arizona’s aquifers. The water levels are low enough now that all the small farmers in the area can’t access the water because their wells aren’t deep enough. The slight good news is that the aquifer they’re draining is generally not used by civilians. But that’s water that we will probably need in the future.

(Bigger picture, 70+% of AZ’s water usage is by the agriculture industry as a whole, it provides less than 5% of AZ’s GDP now. Therefore, I am against a majority of crops being grown in Arizona at a large scale.)


spiralout1123 t1_j2dw1a7 wrote

Meanwhile, water scarcity is a massive problem here in AZ


95castles t1_j2dwhxk wrote

Yup, born and raised here. I love farmers, but we cannot be wasting our water on large scale outdoor farms anymore.


Larkson9999 t1_j2dz90z wrote

If you really want to combat water waste in Arizona, ban grass lawns. 90% of the water poured on them evaporates and the lawn serves zero function beyond vanity.


informativebitching t1_j2du2qw wrote

I think we can take nestle


mindingtheyakkha t1_j2e0xj5 wrote

We tried in the 2018 primary and we lost. But all signs point to winning in court. I hope its achieved before the natural springs, which people move here for, are lost to greed (and the profound ignorance of voters voting against their own well being).


zjustice11 t1_j2e1urc wrote

This is one of the reasons I left Austin. The water wars are coming.


Dizzyeer t1_j2dt01z wrote

Not a reason for war, but in some geographical areas of the country it will be a problem. But that’s also what happens when you build expansive cities in deserts lol