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lenhoi OP t1_j1uudyj wrote

Reply to comment by MacchaExplosion in AI and education by lenhoi

Thanks, it's a great suggestion. It could be very much helpful for myself and the students, and they would think of me as a cool teacher, already adopting ChatGPT in my teaching style.


ToulouseMaster t1_j1v3rqa wrote

The way you write is less important than what you want to write about. In academic writing you will see that the style is basically the same for all researchers therefor using AI to automate the boring writing process is not were people should be focusing. But on preparing the ideas you want to defend and organizing them in a readable way. If chat gpt takes care of the grunt work it frees us to spend more time on the actual meat of the subject.


VeblenWasRight t1_j1xkj33 wrote

I could not disagree more. Sounds like you are arguing there is no difference between Tolstoy and Todd from accounting, as long as they both had the idea to write about some characters from the revolution.

Yes much academic writing has the same style today. Could have a separate debate on why that has come to be, but it was not always this way. The modern approach discourages creativity in writing, making every paper a bland recitation.

Think about Box’s famous aphorism - would that have made it into today’s journals?


ToulouseMaster t1_j1xr1xt wrote

We are not talking about creative writing, but technical and scientific writing. Whatever was the case in the past it is not what the standard is today. The way we write papers today is standardised. and AI is pretty great at standardized composition. This is good thing. Scientists should be out there doing research, delegating the actual writing to an AI is a good thing.


VeblenWasRight t1_j1zivnf wrote

Writing is a creative act regardless of the application. What would Kant say? Einstein? Darwin? Euler? Newton?

Think about the scientists that have been responsible for human technological progress - would they argue that a machine should do the writing?


artsrafael t1_j257vkv wrote

The act of writing and "thinking deeply" go hand in hand.