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khamelean t1_j1tq59g wrote

Just tell the students that they won’t always have an essay generator in their pocket, it worked really well for math teachers :)


tsuruki23 t1_j1uek4r wrote

The thing about calculators is that if you dont know the math, the calculator is just gonna give you gibberish that you dont understand.

Like, when youre 10 and you push all the weird buttons on a scientific calculator and get answers with russian letters or somesuch.


ToulouseMaster t1_j1v43je wrote

Same for AI, you need to learn to use the tool, and detect when it's hallucinating answers. Prompt building and source feeding the AI should become the main components of essay writing in schools.


tsuruki23 t1_j1vpicw wrote

No complaint, so long as whoever wrote the text it's referencing gets credit and, if commercial, paid.


shejesa t1_j1u7geg wrote

They will. Just not on exams which test their ability to write an essay.

That's the main issue here, the exam requires them to perform a pretty much obsolete task (like, you don't even write/speak that way in real life, so it's literally something you use only as long as you study something), so it doesn't matter if it is applicable at all, only that someone who has the ability to fail you requires you to write it.