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svenner2020 t1_iz4bimj wrote

Designer everything! The world is going to be really strange, very soon.


frequenttimetraveler t1_iz6rl71 wrote

Your world , not mine


svenner2020 t1_iz6zz0r wrote

As a time traveler you should understand there are many times but that there is only one world. And you're on it. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.


Magic-Fabric OP t1_iz46udf wrote

Today, two labs separately announced programs that use diffusion models to generate designs for novel proteins with more precision than ever before. Generate Biomedicines, a Boston-based startup, revealed a program called Chroma, which the company describes as the “DALL-E 2 of biology.”


takoyaki-md t1_iz4s7yf wrote

should note that we've been using in-silico docking simulations to generate potential drug candidates for over a decade


HeroicTanuki t1_iz4ddl2 wrote

They’ll still charge out the ass for “R&D” when they’ve got unpaid interns plugging in search terms all day until something sticks.


FuturologyBot t1_iz4932g wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Magic-Fabric:

Today, two labs separately announced programs that use diffusion models to generate designs for novel proteins with more precision than ever before. Generate Biomedicines, a Boston-based startup, revealed a program called Chroma, which the company describes as the “DALL-E 2 of biology.”

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Rad_Dad6969 t1_iz6ru2v wrote

And thanks to Trump, they barely even have to test them before putting them on the market.