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ExternaJudgment t1_j12rc38 wrote

Potejto potato

Same thing. Most idiots are incapable of doing a simple google search. You need same level of intelligence to know what to prompt as to implement it.


NLwino t1_j13iu6e wrote

At some level, this is true. But it will greatly increase the productivity of someone that has the knowledge needed. Someone not using AI will simply not be able to compete on the market anymore.


ExternaJudgment t1_j13n60q wrote

Sure, I've heard this expressed that it will make 10x programmers now 100x programmers.

And as an AI using 10x programmer, I couldn't agree more.

ChatGPT gives me such a boost it is getting ridiculous.


thisdesignup t1_j186y3w wrote

Yep, I'm trying to create a personal assistant. So I'm teaching Davinci 003 how to respond to voice commands and return keywords to trigger python scripts.

I basically feel like I'm programming in plain English. It's easier only because I don't have to know what code to use but I still have to know how the process of teaching. Teaching is not easy.