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UniversalMomentum t1_ixzmrg4 wrote

Gold Hydrogen sound silly, but the idea of converting an oil well to a hydrogen well sounds plausible. I'm not sure hydrogen will catch up fast enough to be around long, but so is the life of competing technologies.


NickDanger3di OP t1_ixzqesu wrote

It seems there's a thing about naming hydrogen a different 'color' depending on how it's generated. But yeah, going from abandoned oil wells to Gold is too much of a stretch. Maybe they just wanted to get ahead of the otherwise inevitable Black Hydrogen name?

Me, the idea of the average joe handling portable tanks of hydrogen to fill their lawnmower or generator, and driving around with much larger tanks of it in their cars, is kinda terrifying.

Back in the 60s, when I was a boy reading Popular Science, I asked my Dad if he was as excited about the coming Flying Cars as I was. he said "Nick, I have enough trouble dealing with all the assholes on the road trying to kill me. The last thing I want is those same assholes flying over my house". Right after I turned 16, I finally understood that.


KetoMan30 t1_ixztvjz wrote

Bacteria generates H2S as a waste product. The hydrogen sulfide is extremely dangerous and corrodes metal. The well, wellhead, facility equipment, pipelines, and processing equipment upstream of the gas plant will be compromised over time. This is an extremely stupid idea for generating hydrogen.

Hydrogen Sulfide - CDC Website


DrClo t1_iy1ibjr wrote

All bacteria in every condition? Plus through CRISPR, many processes could be modulated. This unique strain of bacteria could be an environmental superstar instead of your infrastructure solvent.


Altruistic_Fondant94 t1_iy3cbcd wrote

Yeah see I hate this shit too. It's so certain. It's on the CDC. I totally can outline all the REAL things we need to do in a few simple steps:


lucky-fu t1_iy0094f wrote

Maybe a reference to "black gold", ie crude oil. I'd be interested to know.


Derpinator_420 t1_iy0xaqr wrote

Look up hydrogen paste.


NickDanger3di OP t1_iy1l56d wrote

Powerpaste! Interesting read; seems it may have real potential. Energy storage is always the bugaboo.


Derpinator_420 t1_iy1m2x3 wrote

Swappable cartridges, seems pretty good. We already see there isnt enough resources or recyclability of lithium batteries for everyone to drive an EV. I think the future will many fuel types coexisting until the next big breakthrough.


HistoricalMeaning509 t1_iy2jpx5 wrote

No more dangerous then propane, only this requires an open spark or flame. If they can make this work it make hydrogen viable since the biggest hang up which is the energy required to crack it out of water. Cheap hydrogen would make cars like the new Volkswagen hydrogen the go to car. Ceramic fuel cell systems no rare earths high mileage, also would allow for replacing of natural gas systems.


Altruistic_Fondant94 t1_iy3d69u wrote

Yep see smart people are barking up crackpots, until they're not.

The total death of capitalism is to wish to see your enemies punished. But a real capitalism fighting for life alongside a stronger contingent of consciously connected people (workers, for short ✌️) means simulated heads roll instead of... Get this... Literal heads.

Unnecessarily. Not a threat.

Just like simulation meet simulacra

Heeeey Macarena.

Vented currently thru mass shooter culture.

By the by. But stickers on side walks. Memes getting spicy.

Teachers and hospital staff in America underwater.

You talk about the millions or billions killed by these idiots that mostly are dead or have gotten away with it, and pretend those are no deaths capitalism would not intervene to save. So basic your baby man thots, I forgive you.

We were always there. We needed the internet.

The Meta verse a

What is a meta tag for again?


Altruistic_Fondant94 t1_iy3d7rq wrote

I did a lot of meth tonight, Joan.

#MethaJoanClinque #doitbetterformydumbdumbbrainsmartdaddies


Altruistic_Fondant94 t1_iy3dbug wrote

I got carried away. I'm excited about the flower pot cars if they're real you'll explain to me meow:


MonsieurKilogram t1_ixztwbw wrote

Using hydrogen for making steel is not something that will be easily eclipsed by anything. Use in cars may be a fad that loses to solid batteries, but steel smelted with hydrogen is pog


yeahdixon t1_iy0kjk6 wrote

Isn’t hydrogen good for larger concentrated amounts of energy for long periods? I thought they were talking how it’s possible to create a rocket w hydrogen, so I assume something like large aircrafts


MyrKnof t1_iy0qaw7 wrote

Such a scam name. Should be black or gray hydrogen imo. Co2 is still left as a byproduct, just like burning the oil, but gold sounds good/fancy. Misleading af.


dern_the_hermit t1_iy2mqis wrote

I suspect the hope is to separate the hydrogen from the CO2, remove the hydrogen, and leave the CO2 sequestered underground.


Altruistic_Fondant94 t1_iy3bste wrote

I declare both POVs accurate, and the alarmist from later on to be right mad and on point. Most of all, we have truly pinched the reserves of the oil wells of our minds. Which are but golden parachutes, gifting us, from the gods, deliverance from oblivion. Movies sort of suck today. We'll do it better next time around.

In 6 hrz I will roll over and rub one out. Call in COVID tomorrow.

China Hoards, where there's smog there's gold. Putin's on the fritz, but he makes it rain.

Are you a moron in cage? 🎶🕺🌵



IsThereAnythingLeft- t1_iy39eqt wrote

That’s not good enough as it would be sure to leak out


KingAlastor t1_iy39pt8 wrote

Sequestered co2 should be on solid form so it wouldn't leak.


Altruistic_Fondant94 t1_iy3c1yd wrote

It'll be done well (;) and perfectly every time by the diligent and careful capitalist oh yes. Now let me get on British radio and tell you how I built a brand and sold it as women's liberation. Smart people alert. Smart people alert. Really thinking deeply. About the well. And the issue. And the lack of urgency.

And the constant alarm.

Is it all in our heads? Where there's smog, there's treasure


dern_the_hermit t1_iy4h04o wrote

These are chambers miles underground that, in addition to oil, often contained natural gas... for millions of years.


The-PFJ t1_iy00a9x wrote

I feel like green blue now gold hydrogen, is a low key Trojan horse for the natural gas industry since the simplest way to create it is to strip it off of methane. Creating demand for it creates another market for them.

I could see uses for industrial applications or in situ power generation, but color me skeptical that burning h2 is going to run our civilization .


Staerebu t1_iy2zpg5 wrote

Green hydrogen is legitimate - you use excess renewable energy to electrolyse water into hydrogen gas and oxygen.

This, on the other hand, is trash


NickDanger3di OP t1_ixzmd7t wrote

Submission Statement:

So a company called Cemvita Factory has developed a way to use bacteria to generate hydrogen in depleted and abandoned oil wells. Here's a select bit from the article:

>Cemvita Factory, a biotech firm in Texas, had spritzed a carefully selected combination of bacteria and nutrients down the bore hole. Once inside the well, the microbes began breaking down the residual oil hydrocarbons in there—dregs that would be unprofitable to extract—to generate hydrogen and CO2. This field test in July, though small in scale, was a “huge success,” says chief business officer Charles Nelson.

On one hand, the fact that they have proven the concept IRL, with tangible and measurable hydrogen generation in an existing oil well, bodes well. So many energy generation schemes never get off the paper they are written on (though they do get posted in this sub sometimes). On the other hand, they say this:

>Nelson explains that the firm’s goal is to treat oil wells with bacteria to enable steady, long-term hydrogen production—perhaps lasting for decades.

How do they know this is possible? Also, how is the CO2 generated at the same time dealt with; that's a huge issue. But beyond this, if we ever expect Hydrogen to become a significant source of energy, how do we get it from the production site to the end users? The Infrastructure for hydrogen is a huge and unanswered question. Can it just be pumped via the same pipes natural gas is transported in? Are all the gas stations going to be replaced by Hydrogen Stations? Do we really want the average driver handling hydrogen? All questions that we can discuss and theorize about.

Edit: typo


Maxwellthehuman t1_iy03789 wrote

While getting the hydrogen into the marketplace might be challenging, It might make more sense to have small/medium sized generators on site converting the hydrogen into electricity and adding it straight to the grid.

Presumably these would produce 24/7 and could help offset solar and wind during off times.


MadRockthethird t1_ixzw7nl wrote

If they can harvest the CO2 there are tons of uses for it. All lot of people are so pessimistic about hydrogen as a fuel source and in some cases I get why but looking at the Energy Observer I see what should be the future of the cruise ship industry.


YpsilonY t1_iy01vf7 wrote

I see the future of the cruise ship industry more in scrap metal.


Grinagh t1_iy10u39 wrote

Yeah and if we could capture the hydrogen from termites eating waste paper we'd have enough hydrogen to power the world and just as much CO2 as if we were still burning coal. Useless technology.


FuturologyBot t1_ixznd2t wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/NickDanger3di:

Submission Statement:

So a company called Cemvita Factory has developed a way to use bacteria to generate hydrogen in depleted and abandoned oil wells. Here's a select bit from the article:

>Cemvita Factory, a biotech firm in Texas, had spritzed a carefully selected combination of bacteria and nutrients down the bore hole. Once inside the well, the microbes began breaking down the residual oil hydrocarbons in there—dregs that would be unprofitable to extract—to generate hydrogen and CO2. This field test in July, though small in scale, was a “huge success,” says chief business officer Charles Nelson.

On one hand, the fact that they have proven the concept IRL, with tangible and measurable hydrogen generation in an existing oil well, bodes well. So many energy generation schemes never get off the paper they are written on (though they do get posted in this sub sometimes). On the other hand, they say this:

>Nelson explains that the firm’s goal is to treat oil wells with bacteria to enable steady, long-term hydrogen production—perhaps lasting for decades.

How do they know this is possible? Also, how is the CO2 generated at the same time dealt with; that's a huge issue. But beyond this, if we ever expect Hydrogen to become a significant source of energy, how do we get it from the production site to the end users? The Infrastructure for hydrogen is a huge and unanswered question. Can it just be pumped via the same pipes natural gas is transported in? Are all the gas stations going to be replaced by Hydrogen Stations? Do we really want the average driver handling hydrogen? All questions that we can discuss and theorize about.

Edit: typo

Please reply to OP's comment here:


MonsieurKilogram t1_ixztrfr wrote

A better immediate use case would be end use in the steel smelting industry.


BusyContribution726 t1_iy0t11s wrote

I checked out the info on the website and this looks very promising. The old wells would get eaten up by bacteria and the hydrogen could then be transferred through already existing infrastructure.

It seems like the energy produced would be for the oil and gas industry to reduce their carbon footprint perhaps?

Right now the two largest consumers of hydrogen are oil and gas and the manufacturing industries, which both have existing pipelines to carry resources through. Cool idea!


fauxbeauceron t1_iy1t1wp wrote

please stop putting colors in front of hydrogen godamnit and say from what source it's made of in the name, exactly like ''natural gas" it's not more good for the environment if you put an adjective in front of it.

sorry for the burst

carry on


phunk_yeah t1_iy2fajy wrote

Yes the minerals are worth more. Next is purple gas.