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travelsonic t1_ixuwag1 wrote

That'd be absolutely awesome.

I do wonder though if this'd lead to them putting up a fight to prevent looting chests... which, actually, I wonder why isn't already a thing in SOME cases.


CuteCatBoy69 t1_ixwhbr9 wrote

That would make the game significantly better, flat out. Even if it weren't even real AI, if villages just progressed with time the game would feel more alive.


MasterBot98 t1_ixx3cd8 wrote

There were some mods on the topic, considering the devs already used other mod ideas weird that they didn't in this case *shrugs*.


Acererak09 t1_ixvdsc8 wrote

Piglins become hostile if you loot chests in a bastion remnant or mine gold near them.


travelsonic t1_ixy8oyk wrote

Or loot chests outside bastions - even if you plopped them down.


YourWiseOldFriend t1_ixy7trf wrote

>I do wonder though if this'd lead to them putting up a fight to prevent looting chests

As part of the learning program the AI learns how to fight. I can't see that becoming a problem at all.

/The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy.


Necessary-Celery t1_iy1syqs wrote

I'd want smart trading. When it's dirt huts they value seeds over diamonds. When it's a castle diamonds are worth far less than maps from far away.