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diyagent t1_ixhimqb wrote

A completely human written algorithm or lines of code entirely generated by humans. Absolutely nothing artificial or generated on its own. So software. Software can id holocaust victims. Wow. Who would have guessed.


vandebay t1_ixhrytb wrote

Why only holocaust photos? What technical limitations that make the technology unable to identify other photos, eg. Rwandan massacre or Khmer Rouge genocide?


emteeeuler t1_ixhtrgn wrote

From the article:

> The inspiration: Daniel Patt, a software engineer for Google, knows the names of at least three Holocaust survivors because they’re his grandparents. 

This is just the start, safe to say it'll be widely used


samaramatisse t1_ixhuqeh wrote

They are probably starting with the Holocaust victims because there are likely better records that can be cross-referenced. The Nazis were meticulous record-keepers. The recorded evidence they failed to destroy proved pivotal in several war crimes convictions.

I don't think anyone is gatekeeping the technology or saying other genocides and massacres aren't important. I think they're probably starting with something they think has a higher probability of making accurate matches, therefore improving subsequent use of the technology.


theonlyxero t1_ixhvmez wrote

Where do they start? If these are photos that have un-identified people in them, is the team just asking for relatives of survivors to send in personal photos that have been handed down or is there more to the process than that??

Also this is such an amazing idea, and an awesome project in general! Much love to your father and everyone involved. Technology is so cool, and the people behind it all are even cooler.


StarsCarsGuitars t1_ixida0n wrote

When you look at two photos of someone, you can tell if they're the same person even if the photos are decades apart, in drastically different settings, environments, and clothes. How can we do that? We have a brain that tells us "these faces are the same".

What this project does is create an algorithm that "scores" photos based on similarity. The popular definition of artificial intelligence doesn't mean sentience, but it can mean something "generated on its own". The algorithm, according to the article, takes in a photo of a face and generates scores of how similar other faces are. That is a process that humans can do really easily, and here, they artificially replicate it with an algorithm.

Not sure what you think real AI is.


diyagent t1_ixih79o wrote

What I see is everyone claiming that this or that is AI when absolutely nothing has changed in computer programming ever. It has gotten more sophisticated sure. But its still a program. Nothing the program does is outside what is expected. Its as complicated as 3 lines of code in basic. The program is executed and does what its programmed to do. We didnt use AI to describe space invaders or at all as long as I have lived until recently when every headline involving computer programming uses the term AI now. its called clickbait. I am well aware that people have changed the meaning of AI to incorporate any computer program but its a very poor way of describing a computer program.


Pax_Factor t1_ixik3da wrote

ML is a form of AI, of which there are several of differing complexities. I’m unsure of why you’re gatekeeping terminology that you yourself have admitted has been adopted by the world at large.


shostakofiev t1_ixiuy90 wrote

Guys are we sure we want AI learning about mankind's worst atrocities? This is how it starts...

(Joking of course, this is a very cool application).


shineyink t1_ixj7a4p wrote

My German great grandmother spotted her younger brother in a book about the Jews of Berlin pre-war. Her whole family survived as refugees in the UK


kgb4187 t1_ixj7mr6 wrote

Do you think it's only AI if it comes from the AI region of the internet, otherwise it's just sparkling software? Did you expect this was software that created itself? Is only sentient software AI to you? I'm just trying to understand what went wrong in your life for you to have this viewpoint of technology.


OneBadJoke t1_ixjb616 wrote

Thank your dad for me! My grandfather was a survivor and I still scan for his face when I’m looking at photos of the camps. My question is what are the best pictures to upload? I have a picture that was taken of him for his file at Buchenwald and I have pictures of him after the war in a refugee camp. I assume those are better to submit then pictures of him as an old man?


CinnamonSniffer t1_ixjbcdu wrote

All I can think of is how great this tech can be used in the real world if it works even decently well for faded sepia tone photographs. Not the great that the tech would be used for, but how great it would be at doing its job.


kazr99 t1_ixjosda wrote

AI is collecting more data on facial recognition and aging should really be the title.


Hugogol t1_ixjqkzs wrote

What about using this tech to identify the murderers? There are pictures and videos of Nazis shooting victims at mass murder sites and at death camps.


DankDaddyDotCom t1_ixkaqac wrote

Use it to find out who shot Kennedy, or identify persons that were there that day.


StarsCarsGuitars t1_ixkgdho wrote

Looking at your profile, you're either a moron or a troll. If you're a troll though, I'd say you're a moron anyways, but perhaps I'm the fool for replying.

> absolutely nothing has changed in computer programming ever

"It has gotten more sophisticated" , for one. "Nothing has changed" is simply wrong. Lots has changed. you very quickly disregard the absolutely incredible achievements in CS and mathematics that lead you to advancements you use every single day. breakthroughs in machine learning like developing "deep learning" algorithms have done incredible things.

> Nothing the program does is outside what is expected.

Yeah no shit, cuz they made it to do that they wanted to do, and it did what they wanted to do, which is what they expected.

> Its as complicated as 3 lines of code in basic.

This is simply ignorant and wrong.

> We didnt use Al to describe space invaders

Because space invaders is not AI. Nor is it machine learning. Space invaders is an "algorithm" in the sense that it's instructions. It tells our little aliens to move back and forth and shoot and that if the x coordinate is lined up with the enemy to do this and if the y coordinate is lined up with the edge of the screen to do that. AI is synthesis, AI is generative. An AI space invaders would be as such: don't give the "characters" any instructions at all. Don't give them rules like "oh if you are lined up with the enemy, shoot". Simply let the machine try random shit. And tell the machine what random shit led to higher or lower scores for the player. And the machine finds itself a strategy which leads to lower scores for the player.

> or at all as long as have lived until recently when every headline involving Computer programming uses the term Al now. its called clickbait. I am well aware that people have changed the meaning of Al to incorporate any computer program but its a very poor way of describing a computer program.

Y'know what, I'll give it to you that people use AI as a buzzword clickbait bullshit thing sometimes. But have you ever considered that the reason we have only recently heard of AI is because major breakthroughs have only recently started to come to consumers? Concepts and theory have been around for decades but we have never, ever, ever had the resources, computational power, intellectual resources, and wealth, to apply these ideas to real products for consumers until now.

Also, people have not changed the meaning of AI to incorporate any computer program. If you think AI is some sentient being that's going to take over the world, some sentient being with feelings and genuine consciousness or thought, you are simply wrong. AI and machine learning are not something with a mind of its own. At least not for now and perhaps not ever. If that's what you want AI to be, then there has never ever been AI, and you need to not get your definitions from science fiction.