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Jaigg t1_iwz5p3n wrote

My boss in like 2004 grew his nose back on his forehead, skin only. They then cut around it to the top, twisted it around and sewed it into place. It was still attached at the top so it had blood flow. It was cool but weird.


tvnr t1_ix0a5g7 wrote

Unfortunately, I first read this as β€œgrew his nose back on his foreskin, only.”


ONEOFHAM t1_ix2liyo wrote

There's a guy that grew his penis back on his arm


tvnr t1_ix2s23i wrote

True. Uno Reverse Card πŸ”„


Tiny_Rat t1_ix0es93 wrote

That's a variation on one of the oldest plastic surgeries out there, actually! Described in a treatise by Sushruta in the 6th century BCE.


lessthanperfect86 t1_ix11mw3 wrote

I wonder if the quality of the skin is more similar to the nose if it comes from the forehead. Imagine hairy arms being the base for a new nose.


Jaigg t1_ix1bke3 wrote

Interesting. I figured it was just proximity but now I'm thinking hairy noses might be part of it.


herrkuchenbaecker t1_ix8xcvo wrote

> twisted it around and sewed it into place. It was still attached at the top so it had blood flow. It was cool but weird.

im having a hard time visualizing this