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Alis451 t1_iws0fmv wrote

> I mean, is water heavier than gasoline?

very much

>Hydrogen is measured by the kilogram. 1 kilogram is 1 gallon of gasoline equivalent (gge).

>It takes 3 gallons of water to make 1 kg of hydrogen

Water is 3.79 kg per gallon
Gasoline is 2.567 kg per gallon

water x3 = 11.37 kg of water to equal an equivalent amount of hydrogen energy as 2.567 kg of gasoline

or nearly 5 times the fuel weight

Usual Capacity is ~12 gallons of gas, so ~30kg (x5 = 150kg and a 36 gallon tank to hold it) basically trucking around a whole extra fat person 120kg = ~250 lbs, again not accounting for the electrolysis equipment, and the base energy you need to actually perform said electrolysis while on a vehicle.. it starts adding up fast.


ihatereddit53 t1_iws2hc2 wrote

Soooo efficiency? Like i said?

Edit: and listen i appreciate the math and for sure i think u know what youre talking about but really its not usually the case that things are impossible, just that the right scenario hasnt been thought of and the technology hasnt caught up to the idea