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manual_tranny OP t1_iwgizx3 wrote

Jurchen Technology's PEG racking system is not just cheaper and lighter than most, it's also incredibly resistant to high winds because it is low to the ground and because there is no space between panels, so extremely high winds are less likely to damage the racking and panels.

As hurricane Ian passed by Cuba as a category 3 hurricane, winds whipped over a solar facility that was currently under construction, miraculously damaging none of the panels or racking despite 120mph winds.

The ultra dense PEG racking covers 97% of the ground it is installed on, with a capacity factor of 0.74 MW per acre. For comparison, a solar tracking facility has a capacity factor of 0.2 MW per acre. Now that solar panels are cheaper, it typically makes sense to choose a dense ground-mount racking system, rather than invest in solar trackers.


ijmacd t1_iwiy5w7 wrote

Am I reading an advert? Because it sounds like I'm reading an ad.


RatchetMyPlank t1_iwjsx88 wrote

Def sounds like an ad, looking at the account, it kinda looks like a paid marketing account more than anything g.


manual_tranny OP t1_iwl5wt4 wrote

I post about my interests, which include playing trombone, riding motorcycles, designing kit cars, and keeping up with renewable energy and related technologies. Sometimes I post in r/politics. I started r/agrivoltaics because of my combined interest in farming and solar.

When I wrote this submission statement I had just finished reading the article, and so I quickly summarized it. The facts look like an advertisement because they are flattering to Jerchen's PEG racking system. That's how facts work. I do not personally know or care about anyone at Jurchen, and if their racking system had blown away, we would have all been reading about that instead.