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DickMan64 t1_iw2ugyk wrote

>I hate how you use the fact that you're in the field of AI to give an expert opinion on a subject, but aren't honest enough to point out that there is a huge amount of disagreements on timelines and approaches among experts.

I got used to it. I don't know what it is about human intelligence specifically that makes even experts so damn arrogant.


RobleyTheron t1_iw2w691 wrote

There's nothing but hype in this article and redditors are acting like the sky could fall at any minute.

Current AGI is barely at the phase of the Wright Brothers trying to take flight at Kittyhawk, and this article is like asking what we'll do when we meet aliens upon our moon landing.


DickMan64 t1_iw3nnof wrote

I don't like the article either, but there's no need to jump to the opposite end of the spectrum which is equally unsubstantiated.


[deleted] t1_iwas0ll wrote



DickMan64 t1_iwasu16 wrote

That's not what I was saying at all. You probably confused me with the other guy.