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ilaissezfaire t1_ivhp1xa wrote

According to some accounts, Jimmy Carter may have learned something along these lines. Based on that line of rational, If the theory that they created us and religion to keep us from wiping ourselves out while they studied us is correct, then the rumor that if we stop killing each other in exchange for higher tech may also be plausible.


Ex defense minister from Canada (And I'd just like to put that these people, like Paul Hellyer, Ben Rich and Boyd Bushman had top secret clearance in their jobs, it's highly unlikely decorated people are just trying to make a name for themselves as I've seen some rationalizations, so any arguing by lower ranking officials or naysayers at this point is moot - this has been documented)

"Paul Hellyer, who has long insisted that aliens have visited Earth for many years, says that when aliens saw the atomic bomb they decided that we were a great threat to the cosmos." Here is an interesting- if not strange -article about that.


[deleted] t1_ivjexxp wrote



[deleted] t1_ivjo8m8 wrote



[deleted] t1_ivjqshg wrote



[deleted] t1_ivjsxve wrote



[deleted] t1_ivjw44t wrote



[deleted] t1_ivjwwfx wrote



[deleted] t1_ivk08xs wrote



SamohtGnir t1_ivjhf8w wrote

I've heard many theories that aliens created us, or at least sped up our evolution. I don't really give any of these any credit. I think most people who believe these are not able to grasp how evolution and development of technologies could very easily have happened just fine without any outside interference.

I did hear an idea recently that once our ancestors left the tress and started venturing out that they may have started ingesting psychedelic mushrooms, and the mind altering reactions can help explain how the brain doubled in size in only a 2 million year period.


myusernamehere1 t1_ivkuqd0 wrote

Mushrooms could not have led to an evolutionary change, as they dont effect your genetics. The doubling of brain size was an evolutionary arms race for intelligence.


ilaissezfaire t1_ivjuqj8 wrote

Well, I've taken religion classes in college and have done thousands of hours on reading ancient texts so I do, give weight to these theories.


OffEvent28 t1_ivlip2g wrote

The problem with such silly stories is that aliens with interstellar travel capacity would never consider us a threat. They could exterminate us in minutes, or disarm us in a few more minutes. Even things that WE are thinking about creating would make the "conquest" of Earth a trivial task. Too many movies where the humans defeat the alien invaders have led people to think that somehow we would always win.


ilaissezfaire t1_ivlvaw2 wrote

Not if they made and are actively observing us. Anyway I'm not a high enough of a ranking official to know either way but there have been several congressional hearings related to UFOs , there's only so many coincidences, you know? Its healthy to be skeptical though.