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SnarkyBear53 t1_ivgetab wrote

Considering how governments dealt with the pandemic despite years of planning, I have very little confidence that any established protocols would be followed.


Stennick t1_ivheyfc wrote

Part of my job is to train and I'm preaching about SOP's and One Pagers and I go over the process, then there are visual aids to remind everyone of the process and almost instantly those are thrown out the window not even by entry level employees but by management. Who I then say "hey remember this is the standard operating procedure" they'll say "yeah I'm doing it that way" as they are doing it the opposite in front of me....sigh


nothingeatsyou t1_ivh221x wrote

I’m a little concerned honestly. NASA recently came out and said they’re afraid to find alien life because of politicians. Now scientists are working on protocols like this?

I wonder what doors JW opened that have scientists so afraid.


vurysurus t1_ivh6wnn wrote

It took me too long to realize you meant the James Webb Telescope, and not Jehovah's Witnesses.


Kriss3d t1_ivixh0z wrote

Judging by how its worked out in USA alone recently. If we found aliens that wanted to invade us. Half the country would welcome them.


IH4v3Nothing2Say t1_ivgyy40 wrote

Very assuming that alien life forms will follow/have any established protocols either.


iiWAN t1_ivjjguf wrote

It looks like that the scene from MIB where Agent K as a kid gives flowers to aliens as a first contact would have a way better positive 1st contact then any real life scenario imagined by any guverment agency. Cuz considering how much bad shit around the world is happening the scenario would be probably the same as that episode in Star Trek Voyager where the first contact with Vulcans would be us shooting them and steal the tech.


Rrdro t1_ivwvtm6 wrote

Please let's not give them a chopped up life form from earth as a form of communication. They might misunderstand our intentions or signal and they might not even understand the difference between plants and humans. It could look to then like giving them a dead baby with no legs as a present.


warling1234 t1_ivhbo9j wrote

The first order of business is to not send a gaggle of politicians but a group of the worlds scientists and cryptographers. According to Neil deGrasse Tyson. It stuck with me. If we can’t band together as a species when it came to covid how the fuck are we going to deal with something like we’re not alone in the universe as a collective.