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coredweller1785 t1_iv6qpiu wrote

Oh thank heavens. So glad our research institutes are competing on robot war death machines instead of actually researching something useful to literally anyone. You know, this capitalist system really does work. /s


SnapcasterWizard t1_iv75v0p wrote

Are you so close minded you cant imagine how useful these robots would be in literally any industry?


coredweller1785 t1_iv7gul3 wrote

Any industry? Robot dogs? How are people this mesmerized.

Can they teach our children? Nope. Can they provide healthcare. Nope. I mean I could go on. There is so much waste here when we could be investing in so many better ideas. What a waste.


Lovedrunkpunch t1_iv7j47g wrote

I’m thinking manufacturing would like it. Maybe for rescue efforts after an earthquake? Seems easy to come up with ideas


coredweller1785 t1_iv7jlev wrote

Yes obviously I'm not obtuse. It's just we have so many damn actual problems and this is what we focus on? Such a waste when we could be solving real problems.


mediareject t1_iv8j8xf wrote

There are other people out there working on whatever problems you're referring to here. There are so many people working on so many cool things. We should be happy that robotics people are working on things like this. It may not have a clear use for this specific scenario, but the technology could be invaluable for other uses in the future.


TheFallingShit t1_iv7ky87 wrote

  • Automated site monitoring (multi floors sites with no need to implement physical changes to sites)
  • Hazardous area physical intervention
  • search & Rescue

If you can't see the value in having a physical presence in dangerous area for men, this is on you. You don't get pass on judgement based on ignorance and straight up stupidity


SnapcasterWizard t1_iv86qss wrote

They could absolutely be used in medical settings. Moving medicines and supplies around, holding instruments, providing support.

Actually I'm not going any further, either you are completely unimaginative or are just an idiot and I'm going for the latter.