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flourishingvoid t1_iutcayh wrote

Sounds a bit too "futuristic"

We had a discussion ( in my Biophysicist group of 3 ) about specialized bacteria bred to consume plastic with non-toxic metabolic residues, and in just 15 minutes we isolated dozen or so serious issues with the theory.

I will give you just one.

What may happen if lab-bred bacteria follow the trend of consumption-based mutations and became create variants targeting not only waste but also more "energy-dense matter", and now we created species that can consume everything.


Death_or_Pizza t1_iutffhc wrote

What do you mean with energy dense? I mean there are lots of energy dense polymers which bacterias can consume? This already exists?


flourishingvoid t1_iutg95s wrote

By more energy dense I meant organic matter ( is it dead or not) with pretty clear indication.


FTRFNK t1_iuu9ara wrote

Not really futuristic, surprising to say from a physicist to think literally manipulating living organisms to do a specific task is easier than making an inorganic small thing from minerals and then taking them out with a magnet.

Seems pretty simple to me. People have these weird conceptions about anything with a "nano" in front of it, particularly anything "nanoparticle".

Nanoparticle is literally just very very small, well, particle. This is quite literally just a very small iron oxide particle with a charged coating. What's futuristic about thar? There are iron molecules and oxygen molecules all around us. What's futuristic about using a giant magnet? If people cared about microplastics back in the day, we could have done this like 30 years ago.


flourishingvoid t1_iuurttv wrote

Nanoparticles that 'accumulate' or stick to specific substances aren't the same as nanomachines ( I was referring to ), they are still nanoparticles but much more complex in design, and less volatile when it comes to degradation from different chemicals and other environmental factors.


WastelandPuppy t1_iuvizo5 wrote

These already exist and trillions of them are trying to eat you all the time.