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MongolianMango t1_it92b9k wrote

My perspective is that there's nothing to be afraid of esp. if people use AI to create scenes or characters they have already visualized in their minds. When we think of it like this, it's just another awesome tool for expression, and people who use AI are essentially acting like movie directors.

However, my worry is that instead, people will just generate lots of art with no clear idea of what they want beforehand and just pick what looks cool out of what the AI generates. There's a subtle difference because people who do that are relying on the AI to be creative, and much like GPS has caused people's navigational skills to deteriorate and that will cause people's creative skills to become stunted as they outsource their imagination. That would be a generational tragedy regardless of whether or not that means the actual quality of art goes up or down.

So my advice to people who use these tools would be to remember to let you control the AI and not have the AI control you.