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mutherhrg OP t1_it7b7n7 wrote

Turning this sludge into industrial feedstock isn't quite the same as spreading it across a field.


rodrigkn t1_it7moz5 wrote

I would consider it worse. Through the process of bio magnification, we can see repercussions in the consumers gut biome and nutritional quality. Possibly even carcinogenic.

From an economic perspective, I also think it would be hard for them to find ã consumer base if forced to disclose this practice.


imakesawdust t1_itakp45 wrote

Why? Do you expect methanol buyers to balk at buying methanol that came from sludge feedstock?


mutherhrg OP t1_it7nlon wrote

Do you even know what industrial feedstock even means?


TheRoadsMustRoll t1_it8c7li wrote

lol. they don't.

for the benefit of reddit's soylent-green-fearing constituency i'll post a simple google definition:

"Industrial feedstocks are raw materials used to make industrial products"

so. think gaskets and road paving products. not animal feed.


dreadnaught_2099 t1_it8tljj wrote

To be fair, feedstock, while a 100% accurate term, is misleading because every reader thinks it's related to the term "foodstock" which of course it isn't.


TheRoadsMustRoll t1_it8v0nx wrote


but it also outs the people that didn't read the article because it says right under the headline: "Sewage sludge used as feedstock to make methanol"


chamillus t1_ith4vvf wrote

WTF are you talking about. No one is drinking methanol.